The First Edition published in 1848 with best impressions and coloring.
215 gilt edged pages complete with 42 fine hand - colored lithographed plates (8½" X 10¾") in beautiful condition virtually free of stains, blemishes and foxing. Including depictions of various types of clematis, anemone, hibiscus, camellia, geranium, acacia, fuchsia, marigold, heath, &c. cfNissen 1236. cfSitwell & Blunt, Great Flower Books, p. 66.
A very rare first edition in the original publisher’s green leather binding with tooled gilt decorations (9" X 11") all pages are tight and clean with all tissue guards in place. The front-end board has been re-hinged.
PRICE $1,900

1. Clematis caerulea.
The Blue Clematis.
2. Clematis Sieboldii.
The Many-flowered Clematis.
3. Illicium floridamim.
The Florida Aniseed Tree.
1. Cistus purpureus.
The Purple Cistus.
2. C. vaginatna.
The Sheathed-leaved Cistais.
3. C. formosus.
The Beautiful Cistus.
4. C. Algarvenas.
The Algarve Cistus.
5. C. inicanas.
The Hoary-lelhved Rose Cistus.
1. Polygala speciosa.
The Showy Polygala.
2. P. Chamaebuxus.
The Box-leaved Milkwort.
3. P. bracteolata.
The Large-bracted Milkwort.
4. Muraltia mixta.
The Heath-leaved Muraltia.
1. Sollya heterophylla. .
The Common Sollya
2. Billardiera mutabilis.
The Changeable Apple-Berry.
3. Pittosporum Tobira.
The Chinese Pittosporum.
1. Anemone japonica.
The Japanese Anemone.
2. Anemone capensis.
The Cape Anemone.
3. Anemone palmata.
The Yellow Anemone.
1. Malva umbellata.
The trmbellate Globe-Mallow.
2. Malva Creeana.
The Showy Red-flowered Mallow.
3. Linam arlioreum.
The Tree Flax.
4. Linnm trigynum.
The Three-styled or Indian Flax.
1. Hibiscus militaris.
The Military Hibiscus.
2. H. Cameroni folgens.
Mr. Cameron's Hibiscus.
3. H. lilacinus.
The Lilac Hibiscus.
4. H. Manihot.
The Palmate Manihot.
1. Abutilon. striatum.
The Striped Abutilon.
2. A.vitifolium.
TheVine-leaved Abutilon.
3. A. graveolens.
The Heavy-scented Abutilon.
1. Marianthus caeruleo-punctatus.
The Blue-spotted Marianthus.
2. Pronaya elegans.
The Elegant Pronaya.
3. Tetratheca hirsuta.
The Hairy Tetratheca.
4. Tetratheca verticillata.
The Whorled-leaved Tetratheca.
1. Sarracenia purpurea.
The Purple Side-saddle Flower.
2. Sarracenia flava.
The Yellow Side-saddle Flower.
3. Capparis acuminata.
The Taper-leaved Caper.
1. Reevesia thyrsoidea.
The Thyrse-flowered Reevesia.
2. Lasiopetalum quercifolium.
TheOak-leaved Lasiopetalum.
3. S.Hemannia flammea.
The Flame-coloured Hermannia.
4. Mahernia gramdiflora.
The Large-flowered Mahernia.
1. Camellia japonica.
The Common Camellia, or Japan Rose.
2. C. j. Chandleri.
Chandler's Camellia.
3. C. j. pomponia.
The Pompone Camellia.
4. C. j. anemoneflora.
The Waratah, or Anemone-flowered Camellia.
1. Camellia reticulata.
The Reticulated-leaved Camellia.
2. C. oleifera.
The Oil-bearing Camellia.
3. C. maliflora.
The Apple-blossom-flowered Camellia.
4. Thea viridis.
The Green Tea.
1. Hyperienm monogynum.
The Chinese St. John's Wort.
2. H. Uralnm,
The Nepal, or Myrtle-leaved St. John's Wort.
3. H. balearicum.
The Majorca St. John's Wort.
4. Bealimuria hypericoides.
The Hypericnm-like Reaumuria.
1. Geraninm anemonefolinm.
The Anemone-leaved Geranium.
2. Pelargonium tricolor.
The Three-colonred Pelargonium.
3. P. crassicaule.
The Thick-stemmed Pelargonium.
4. P. peltatum.
The Ivy-leaved Pelargonium.
5. P. zonale.
The Horse-shoe Pelargonium.
1. Large-flowered White.
Garden Varieties of Pelargonium
2. Gem.
Garden Varieties of Pelargonium
3. Sunrise.
Garden Varieties of Pelargonium
4. Anais
Garden Varieties of Pelargonium
1. Tropaeolum azureum.
The Blue Tropaeolnm.
2. T. polyphyllum.
The Many-leaved Tropaeolnm.
3. T. Lobbianum.
Mr. Lobb's Tropaeolum.
4. T. crenatiflorum.
The notched-flowered Tropaeolum.
1. Diosma speciosa.
The Showy Diosma.
2. Diosma fragrans.
The Fragrant Diosma.
3. Diosma pulchella.
The Pretty Diosma.
4. Diosma hirta.
The Purple Diosma
1. Boronia serrulata.
TheSaw-leaved Boronia.
2. Boronia crenulata.
The Crenated Boronia.
3. Crowea saligna.
The Willow-leaved Crowea.
4. Eriostemon buxifolium.
The Box-leaved Eriostemon.
1. Corraea alba.
The White Corraea.
3. C. pulchella.
The Pretty Corraea.
3. C. speciosa.
The Showy Corraea.
4. C. longiflora.
The Long-flowered Corraea.
1. Sophora velutina.
The Velvet-leaved Sophora.
2. Edwardsia microphylla.
The Small-leaved Edwardsia.
3. Cyclopia geniatoides.
The Broom-like Cyclopia.
4. Podalyria buxifolia.
The Box-leaved Podalyria.
1. Chorozema Dicksonii.
Mr. Dickson's Chorozema.
2. C. ovatem.
The Ovate-leaved Chorozema.
3. C. Henchmanni.
Mr. Henchman's Chorozema.
4. C. varium.
The Various-leaved Chorozema.
5. C. spartioides.
The Broom-like Chorozema.
1. Oxylobium retusrm.
The Netted-leaved Oxylobium.
2. Brachysema latifolimn.
The Broad-leaved Brachysema.
3. Enchilus obcordatus.
The Heart-leaved Enchilus.
4. Dillwynia parvifolia.
The Small-leaved Dilwynia.
6. Eutaxia pungens.
The Sharp-leaved Eutaxia.
6. Hovea pungens.
The Prickly Hovea.
1. Lalage ornata.
The Ornamental Lalage.
2. Scottia dentata.
The Tooth-leaved Scottia.
3. Templetonia retusa.
The Retase-leaved Templetonia.
4. Crotalaria purpurea.
The Purple Crotalaria.
5. Aspalathus Chenopoda.
The Goose-foot Aspalathus.
1. Indigofera violacea.
The Violet-coloured Indigo Tree.
2. Swainsonia coronillaefolia.
The Coronilla-leaved Swainsonia.
3. Clianthus puniceus.
The Crimson Glory Pea.
4. Adesmia Loudonia.
Mr. Loudon's Adesmia.
5. Kennedya coccinea.
The Scarlet Kennedya.
6. Physolobium carinatum.
The Large-keeled Physolobium.
1. Acacia dentifera.
The Toothed Acacia.
2. A. biflora.
The Twin-flowered Acacia.
3. A. longifolia.
The Long-leaved Acacia.
4. A. Lambertiana.
Mr. Lambert's Acacia.
1. Fuchsia macrantha.
The Long-flowered Fuchsia.
2. F. serratifolia.
Tlie Serrated-leaved Fuchsia.
3. F. splendens.
The Splendid Fuchsia.
4. F. radicans.
The Rooting Fuchsia.
1. Cuphea cordata.
The Heart-shaped Cuphea.
2. C. platycentra.
The Broad-centred Cuphea.
3. C. Melvilla.
General Melville's Cuphea.
4. Lagerstroemia indica.
The Indian Lagerstroemia.
1. Verticordia insignis.
The Splendid Fringe Myrtle.
2. Calythrix virgata.
The Twiggy Calythrix.
3. Melaleuca neriifolia.
The Oleander-leaved Melaleuca.
4. Melaleuca sqnamea.
The Scaly-branched Melaleuca.
5. Myrtus communis.
The Common Myrtle.
1. Callistemon microstachyum.
The Small-spiked Callistemon.
2. Angophora cordifolia.
The Heart-leaved Angophora.
3. Metrosideros speciosa.
The Showy Metrosideros.
1. Passiflora caerulea.
The Common Passion Flower.
2. Passiflora alato-eserolea.
Masters's Hybrid Passion Flower.
3. Tacsonia pinnatistipula.
The Feather-stipuled Tacsonia,
1. Crassula centauroides.
The Centaury-like Crassula.
2. Kalosanthes coccinea.
The Scarlet Kalosanthes.
3. Kalosanthes versicolor.
The Red and White Kalosanthes.
1. Mesembryanthemum albidnm.
The White-leaved Fig-Marigold.
2. M. tricolor.
The Three-coloured Fig-Marigold.
3. M. rabrocinctum.
The Red-edged Fig-Marigold.
4. M. inclandens.
The Never-closing Fig-Marigold.
6. M. micans.
The Glittering Fig-Marigold.
1. Escallonia Organensis.
The Organ Mountains Escallonia.
2. Hydrangea japonica var. caernlea.
The Blueflowered Japan Hydrangea.
3. Luculia gratissima.
The Fragrant Luculia.
1. Escallonia Organensis.
The Organ Mountains Escallonia.
1. Bouvardia triphylla.
TheThree-leaved Bonvardia.
2. Bouvardia versicolor.
The Trumpet-flowered Bonvardia.
3. Burchellia capensis.
The Cape Burchellia.
4. Gardenia radicans.
The Dwarf Cape Jasmine
1. Cineraria lanata.
The Woolly Cineraria.
2. C. cruenta.
The Purple-leaved Cineraria.
3. C. populifolia var.
The Poplar-leaved Cineraria.
4. Astelma eximium.
The Giant Astelma.
5. Triptilion spinosum.
The Spiny Triptilion.
6. Brachycome iberidifolia.
The Large Swan Daisy.
7. Helichrysum sesamoides.
The Superb Helichrysum
1. Siphocampylos Cavanillesii.
Cavanilles' Siphocampylos;
2. Leschenaultia biloba.
The Two-lobed Leschenaultia.
3. Leschenaultia formosa.
The Beantifnl Leschenaultia
4. Stylidium grammifoliom.
The Grass-leaved Stylidium
5. Euthales macrophylla.
The Large-leaved Euthales
1. Erica tumida.
The Tumid Heath.
2. E. Jacksonii.
Mr. Jackson's Heath.
3. E. Neillii.
Dr. Neill's Heath.
4. E. Aitoniana.
Mr. Alton's Heath.
5. E. Banksiana.
Sir Joseph Banks's Heath.
6. E. ardens.
The Glowing Heath.
7. Epacris impressa.
The Beautiful Epacris.
8. Styphelia tubiflora.
The Tube-flowered Styphelia.
1. Chironia decussata.
The Cross-leaved Chironia.
2. Lisianthus Rossellianus.
The Duhe of Bedford's Lisianthns.
3. Tecoma jasminoides.
The Jasmine-like Tecoma.
4. Bignonia Telfairiae.
Mrs. Telfair's Bignonia.
5. Tweedia caerulea.
The Blue-flowered Tweedia
1. Torenia asiatica.
The Asiatic Torenia.
2. Buddlea Lindleyana.
Dr. Lindley's Buddlea.
3. Anthocercis viscosa.
The Clammy Anthocerias.
4. Rhodochiton. volubile.
The Twining Rhodochiton.
5. Solanum lycioides.
The Lycium-like Solanum.
6. Cestrum aurantiacum.
The Orange-flowered Cestrum.
7. Chaenostoma polyanthum.
The Many-flowered Chaenostoma.
1. Calceolaria crenatiflora.
The Crenate-flowered Calceolaria.
2. Calceolaria arachnoidea.
The Cobweb Calceolaria.
3. Achimenes longiflora.
The liong-flowered Achimenes.
4. Achimenes patens.
The Spreading Achimenes.
5. Amphicome arguta.
The Finely-cut Amphicome.
1. Ruellia caliatiflora.
The Fringe-flowered Ruellia.
2. Cyclamen persicum.
The Persian Cyclamen.
3. Primula sinensis.
The Chinese Primrose.
4. Plumbago capensia.
The Cape Leadwort.
5. Grevillea punicea.
The Crimson Grevillea.
6. Gnidia oppositifolia.
The Opposite-leaved Gnidia.
7. Pimelea incana.
The Hoary Pimelea.