National Geographic - December 1929, Vol. 56, No. 6
(29 Color Illustrations: Austria; and, Bethlehem)
The Danube, Highway of the Races: From the Black Forest to the Black Sea, Europe’s Most Important River Has Borne the Traffic of Centuries (Austria; Balkans; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Hungary; Yugoslavia), with 54 Illustrations
Alpine Villagers of Austria: 15 Natural-Color Photographs by Hans Hildenbrand
Bethlehem and the Christmas Story, with 27 Illustrations
Along the Way of the Magi (Bethlehem): 14 Natural-Color Photographs by American Colony Photographers
The Secret of the Southwest Solved by Talkative Tree Rings: Horizons of American History Are Carried Back to A. D. 700 and a Calendar for 1,200 Years Established by National Geographic Society Expeditions (Pueblo Bonito ruins in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico), with 34 Illustrations
The Society’s New Map of Europe.
Price: $20 - VG/G NO Map
National Geographic - November 1929, Vol. 56, No. 5
Armistice Day and the American Battle Fields (France), with 32 Illustrations
The Battle Fields of France Eleven Years After: 23 Natural-Color Photographs by Gervais Courtellemont
Beautiful Belgium, Restored by Peace: 16 Natural-Color Photographs by A. Buyssens & Paul G. Guillumette
Oxford (England), Mother of Anglo-Saxon Learning, with 31 Illustrations
Gentlemen Adventurers of the Air: Many Regions of Canada’s Vast Wilderness, Long Hidden Even from Fur Trappers, Are Now Revealed by Exploring Airmen, with 56 Illustrations.
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $ 8 - G
Price: $ 8 - G
Price: $ 8 - G
National Geographic - October 1929, Vol. 56, No. 4
Manchuria, Promised Land of Asia: Invaded by Railways and Millions of Settlers, This Vast Region Now Recalls Early Boom Days in the American West, with 59 Illustrations
The Oriental Pageantry of Northern India: 30 Natural-Color Photographs by Franklin P. Knott
Houseboat Days in the Vale of Kashmir, with 22 Illustrations
Two Fighting Tribes of the Sudan, with 28 Illustrations
Summer Holidays on the Bosporus (Located in Turkey the Bosporus strait connects the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmora, thus separating Europe from Asia: flowing like a river, and deep like a sea), with 14 Illustrations
Beside the Bosporus, Divider of Continents: 11 Natural-Color Photographs by Maynard Owen Williams.
Price: $19 - VG
Price: $11 - G
Price: $8 - G/POOR
National Geographic - September 1929, Vol. 56, No. 3
Into Primeval Papua by Seaplane: Seeking Disease-resisting Sugar Cane, Scientists Find Neolithic Man in Unmapped Nooks of Sorcery and Cannibalism, with 99 Illustrations
Through Java in Pursuit of Color, with 10 Illustrations
Java, Queen of the East Indies: 29 Natural-Color Photographs by W. Robert Moore
A Vacation in Holland, with 15 Illustrations including 8 Full-page Color Photographs by Donald McLeish
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
National Geographic - August 1929, Vol. 56, No. 2
St. Malo, Ancient City of Corsairs (France): An Old Brittany Seaport Whose Past Bristles with Cannons and Cutlasses, with 29 Illustrations
Blue Seas and Brilliant Costumes Along the Brittany Coast (France): 29 Natural-Color Photographs by Gervais Courtellemont
Across Madagascar by Boat, Auto, Railroad, and Filanzana, with 45 Illustrations
The Santa Fe Trail, Path to Empire (Franklin, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico), with 36 Illustrations
Scenic Glories of Western United States (Grand Canyon National Park; Santa Clara Pueblo, Taos, New Mexico; Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado; and, Banning, California): 12 Natural-Color Photographs by Fred Payne Clatworthy.
Price: $18 - VG
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $ 10 - G
Price: $ 8 - Poor
National Geographic - July 1929, Vol. 56, No. 1
Exploring the Wonders of the Insect World, with 59 Illustrations
Insect Rivals of the Rainbow: 24 pages of Natural-Color Photographs and Paintings including: 3 Paintings by Hashime Murayama; and, 21 Color Photographs by Edwin L. Wisherd
The Sealing Saga of Newfoundland, with 44 Illustrations.
Price: $20 - VG
Price: $20 - VG
Price: $20 - VG
Price: $20 - VG
Price: $16 - VG/G
Price: $16 - VG/G
Price: $16 - VG/G
Price: $ 10 - G
Price: $ 10 - G
National Geographic - June 1929, Vol. 55, No. 6
The Desert Road to Turkestan: Twentieth Century Travel Through Innermost Asia, Along Caravan Trails Over Which Oriental Commerce Was Once Borne from China to the Medieval Western World, with 46 Illustrations
California, Our Lady of Flowers, with 21 Illustrations
Ever Changing California, Land of Startling Contrast: 30 Natural-Color Photographs by Charles Martin
Mr. Coolidge Becomes a Member of The Society’s Board of Trustees
On the Wings of the Wind: In Motorless Planes (Gliders), Pilots Ride in Flying-Fox Fashion, Cruising on Upward Air Streams and Lifted by the Suction of Moving Clouds, with 40 Illustrations.
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $ 5 - G
National Geographic - May 1929, Vol. 55, No. 5
Down Devon Lanes (Devonshire, England), with 46 Illustrations
Highlights of London Town: 15 Natural-Color Photographs by Clifton Adams
Through the English Lake District Afoot and Awheel, with 20 Illustrations
Lakeland, Home of England’s Nature Poets: 15 Natural-Color Photographs by Clifton Adams
A Tour in the English Fenland, with 27 Illustrations
From Stratford to the North Sea: 16 Natural-Color Photographs by Clifton Adams
The Eagle in Action: An Intimate Study of Eyrie Life of America’s National Bird, with 20 Illustrations.
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $ 7 - G
Price: $ 7- G
National Geographic - April 1929, Vol. 55, No. 4
Virginia: A Commonwealth That Has Come Back, with 70 Illustrations
Scenes and Shrines in the Cavalier Country: 13 Natural-Color Photographs by various Photographers
Unique Gifts of Washington to the Nation: 11 Natural-Color Photographs by various Photographers
Jefferson’s Little Mountain: Romance Enfolds Monticello, the Restored Home of the Author of the Declaration of Independence, with 12 Illustrations
Monticello, One of America’s Most Historic Shrines: 12 Natural-Color Photographs by various Photographers
In the Allagash Country (Maine), with 19 Illustrations
When A Drought Blights Africa: Hippos and Elephants Are Driven Insane by Suffering, In the Lorian Swamp, Kenya Colony, with 9 Illustrations.
Price: $ 10 - VG
Price: $ 10 - VG
Price: $ 10 - VG
Price: $ 10 - VG
Price: $ 10 - VG
Price: $ 8 - VG/G
Price: $ 8 - VG/G
Price: $ 6 - G/POOR
National Geographic - March 1929, Vol. 55, No. 3
Seville, More Spanish Than Spain: The City of the Ibero-American Exposition, Which Opens This Spring, Presents a Tapestry of Many Ages and of Nations Old and New, with 35 Illustrations
On the Bypaths of Spain, with 52 Illustrations
Color Camera Records from Spain: 40 Natural-Color Photographs by Gervais Courtellemont including: 14 Color Photographs from In Andalusia, Home of Song and Sunshine; 13 Color Photographs from Glories Past and Present in the North; and, 13 Color Photographs from Scenes Along the Shores of the Mediterranean
Barcelona, Pride of the Catalans, with 32 Illustrations.
Price: $ 12 - VG/G
Price: $ 9 - G
Price: $ 9 - G
Price: $ 9 - G
National Geographic - February 1929, Vol. 55, No. 2
Buenos Aires to Washington by Horse: A Solitary Journey of Two and a Half Years, Through Eleven American Republics, Covers 9,600 Miles of Mountain and Plain, Desert and Jungle, with 76 Illustrations
Twin Stars of Chile: Valparaiso, the Gateway, and Santiago, the Capital: Key Cities with a Progressive Present and a Romantic Past, with 35 Illustrations
Scenes of Beauty in Copper Land (Andes: Chile, and Border with Argentina): 25 Natural-Color Photographs by Jacob Gayer
Cruising to Crete: Four French Girls Set Sail in a Breton Yawl for the Island of the Legendary Minotaur, with 16 Illustrations
Where Ancient Sea Kings Held Sway (Crete): 14 Natural-Color Photographs by Maynard Owen Williams.
Price: $ 15 - VG
Price: $ 12 - VG/G
Price: $ 12 - VG/G
Price: $ 12 - VG/G
Price: $ 8 - G
National Geographic - January 1929, Vol. 55, No. 1
Arizona Comes of Age, with 41 Illustrations
Adventures in Arizona Color Photography: 14 Natural-Color Photographs by Clifton Adams
The Volcanoes of Ecuador: Guideposts in Crossing South America, with 43 Illustrations
Among the Highlands of the Equator Republic (Ecuador): 12 Natural-Color Photographs by Jacob Gayer
Turkey Goes to School, with 17 Illustrations
Mapping the Home of the Great Brown Bear: Adventures of the National Geographic Society’s Pavlof Volcano Expedition to Alaska, with 31 Illustrations
JANUARY 1929 National Geographic Magazine PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT titled, MAP OF DISCOVERY (Western Hemisphere), Size 16 ¾ x 18 ½ Inches. (A mate to the previous map of the Eastern Hemisphere. Also by N. C. Wyeth. All of the paintings by N. C. Wyeth in this series can be seen at the National Geographic Society’s headquarters in Washington. from Edwin C. Buxbaum’s “Collector’s Guide to The National Geographic Magazine”, copyright 1971)
This is the last of 5 reproductions in Color of Paintings by N. C. Wyeth that were included in the National Geographic Magazine during 1928 and 1929.
Price: $16 - VG/G. NO PICTORIAL Supplement
Price: $10 - G. NO PICTORIAL Supplement
National Geographic - December 1928, Vol. 54, No. 6
Renascent Germany, with 59 Illustrations
Through Germany with a Color Camera: 39 Natural-Color Photographs by Hans Hildenbrand and including: 13 Color Photographs of Wandering Through the Black Forest; 14 Color Photographs of From Chalet to Palace in Bavaria; and, 12 Color Photographs of Medieval Pageantry in Modern Nordlingen
Seeing 3,000 Years of History in Four Hours: A Panorama of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Events Against a Background of Mythology Unfolds During an Airplane Journey From Constantinople to Athens, by Maynard Owen Williams, with 25 Illustrations
Mickey the Beaver: An Animal Engineer Performs for the Camera as a Star in the Activities of His Species, with 23 Illustrations
Falcon, the Pacific’s Newest Island, with 9 Illustrations.
Price: $15 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $8 - G/POOR
Price: $5 - POOR
Price: $5 - POOR
National Geographic - November 1928, Vol. 54, No. 5
The World’s Greatest Overland Explorer: How Marco Polo Penetrated Farthest Asia, Discovered Many Lands Unknown to Europe, and Added Numerous Minerals, Animals, Birds, and Plants to Man’s Knowledge, with 55 Illustrations
Venice (Italy), Home City of Marco Polo: 8 Full-Page Illustrations
Life Among the Lamas of Choni: Describing the Mystery Plays and Butter Festival in the Monastery of an Almost Unknown Tibetan Principality in Kansu Province, China, by Joseph R. Rock, with 35 Illustrations (Summary: A guest in the lamasery thanks to the local prince, Joseph Rock gains entrance into all religious ceremonies, where he is treated with honor and permitted to photograph the events. Related Subjects: Butter festival; China; Choni, Gansu Province, China; Devil dancers; Jone, Gansu Province, China; Religious ceremonies and festivals, Buddhist; Tibetan Buddhism; Dancers and dancing; Religious ceremonies and festivals; Buddhism; Butter)
Demon Dancers and Butter Gods of Choni (Kansu Province, China): 16 Full-page Illustrations in Color by Joseph F. Rock
Fame’s Eternal Camping Ground: Beautiful Arlington (Cemetery), Burial Place of America’s Illustrious Dead, with 19 Illustrations. Pictorial Supplement (MAP of DISCOVERY E. HEMISPHERE)
Price: SOLD
National Geographic - October 1928, Vol. 54, No. 4
Our Conquest of the Pacific: The Narrative of the 7,400-Mile Flight from San Francisco to Brisbane (Australia) in Three Ocean Hops, with 28 Illustrations
The Granite City of the North: Austere Stockholm, Sweden’s Prosperous Capital, Presents a Smiling Aspect in Summer, with 23 Illustrations
Types and Costumes of Old Sweden: 30 Natural-Color Photographs by Gustav Heurlin
Sweden, Land of White Birch and White Coal, with 51 Illustrations
The Kizilbash Clans of Kurdistan, with 22 Illustrations
Price: $17 - VG
Price: $12 - VG/G
Price: $12 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $6 - G/POOR
Price: $3 - POOR
Price: $3 - POOR
National Geographic - September 1928, Vol. 54, No. 3
By Seaplane to Six Continents: Cruising 60,000 Miles, Italian Argonauts of the Air See World Geography Unroll, and Break New Sky Trails Over Vast Brazilian Jungles, with 62 Illustrations
Four Faces of Siva: The Mystery of Angkor (Cambodia), with 14 Illustrations
The Enigma of Cambodia: 27 Natural-Color Photographs by Gervais Courtellemont
Genoa (Italy), Where Columbus Learned to Love the Sea, with 20 Illustrations
A Voyage to the Island Home of Robinson Crusoe (Juan Fernandez Island, Chile), with 24 Illustrations
Price: $8 - G The Pictorial Supplement (Columbus) IS NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $8 - G The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $8 - G The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $6 - G/Poor The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $3 - POOR The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - August 1928, Vol. 54, No. 2
Nature and Man in Ethiopia, with 65 Illustrations
The Balearics, Island Sisters of the Mediterranean (Spain’s Majorca & Minorca, Iviza, Cabrera, and Formentera), with 12 Illustrations
Spain’s Enchanted Isles: 29 Autochromes Lumiere by Gervais Courtellemont
Archeology, the Mirror of the Ages: Our Debt to the Humble Delvers in the Ruins at Carchemish (Turkey) and at Ur (Iraq) (Expedition to Mesopotamia), with 19 Illustrations
A Woman’s Winter of Spitsbergen (Norway’s Arctic Archipelago north of Norway in the Arctic Ocean), with 20 Illustrations
Price: $15 - VG
Price: $15 - VG
Price: $13 - VG/G
Price: $13 - VG/G
Price: $6 - POOR
National Geographic - July 1928, Vol. 54, No. 1
Cyprus; crabs; the Yellowstone-Missouri river.
Price: $22.00 - VG The Pictorial Supplement is slightly water stained in the upper corners and ("The Caravels of Columbus" By N.C. Wyeth) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $15.00 - VG/G The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $13.00 - VG/G The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine
Price: $13.00 - VG/G The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine
Price: $13.00 - VG/G The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine
Price: $7.00 - G The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $3 - POOR The Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - June 1928, Vol. 53, No. 6
So Big Texas, with 74 Illustrations
Photographing the Marvels of the West in Colors, with 30 Natural-Color Photographs, by Fred Payne Clatworthy
The Mysterious Tomb of a Giant Meteorite (Meteor Crater, Arizona), with 10 Illustrations
Holidays with Humming Birds, with 15 Illustrations
Price: $15 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $3 - POOR
Price: $3 - POOR
National Geographic - May 1928, Vol. 53, No. 5
To Bogota and Back by Air: The Narrative of a 9,500-Mile Flight from Washington, Over Thirteen Latin-American Countries and Return, in the Single-Seater Airplane Spirit of St. Louis, by Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, with 96 Illustrations
The Home of the First Farmer of America (George Washington’s Mount Vernon, Virginia), with 32 Illustrations, including 26 Color Photographs
A Vacation in a Fifteenth Century English Manor House (on the Thames near Oxford, England), with 8 Illustrations.
Price: $25 - VG PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT titled, COMMANDER BYRD AT THE NORTH POLE, Size 9 ½ x 13 Inches. (Reproduction in color of a painting by N. C. Wyeth.) This Supplement is in Excellent Condition. This is the 2nd of 5 reproductions in color of paintings by N. C. Wyeth that were included in the National Geographic Magazine during 1928 and 1929.
Price: $25 - VG PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT titled, COMMANDER BYRD AT THE NORTH POLE, Size 9 ½ x 13 Inches. (Reproduction in color of a painting by N. C. Wyeth.) This Supplement is in Excellent Condition. This is the 2nd of 5 reproductions in color of paintings by N. C. Wyeth that were included in the National Geographic Magazine during 1928 and 1929.
National Geographic - April 1928, Vol. 53, No. 4
Holidays Among the Hill Towns of Umbria and Tuscany (Italy), with 41 Illustrations
Man and Nature Paint Italian Scenes in Prodigal Colors: 33 Natural Color Photographs by Hans Hildenbrand
A Walking Tour Across Iceland, with 39 Illustrations
The Island of the Sagas (Iceland), with 20 Illustrations
The Indispensable Sheep, with 20 Illustrations
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $6 - G/POOR
Price: $6 - G/POOR
National Geographic - March 1928, Vol. 53, No. 3
Michigan, Mistress of the Lakes, with 67 Illustrations
Artist Adventures on the Island of Bali, with 20 Natural Color Photographs by Franklin P. Knott
Seeing the World from the Air, with 38 Illustrations
The Great Falls of the Potomac, by Gilbert Grosvenor, with 19 Illustrations
Price: $8 - G The Pictorial Supplement IS NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $8 - G The Pictorial Supplement IS NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $8 - G The Pictorial Supplement IS NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - February 1928, Vol. 53, No. 2
Around the World in the Islander: A Narrative of the Adventures of a Solitary Voyager on His Four-Year Cruise in a Thirty-Four-Foot Sailing Craft, with 77 Illustrations
The White City of Algiers, with 9 Illustrations
On the Fringe of the Great Desert (Algiers, including OULED NAILS dancing girls): 32 Autochromes by Gervais Courtellemont
The Warfare of the Jungle Folk: Campaigning Against Tigers, Elephants, and Other Wild Animals in Northern Siam (Thailand), with 33 Illustrations.
Price: $15 - VG/G
Price: $12 - G
Price: $12 - G
Price: $8 - G/POOR
Price: $6 - POOR
National Geographic - January 1928, Vol. 53, No. 1
Seeing America with Lindbergh: The Record of a Tour of More Than 20,000 Miles by Airplane Through Forty-eight States on Schedule Time, with 47 Illustrations
Dalmatian Days (Yugoslavia): Coasting Along Debatable Shores Where Latin and Slav Meet (Travel by rail and Water along the eastern shoreline of the Adriatic Sea from the northwestern tip of the Serb, Croat, Slovene State of Yugoslavia at Kranjska Gora to Cetinje, capital of the former kingdom of Montenegro), with 27 Illustrations
Medieval Glory Haunts the Eastern Adriatic (Yugoslavia): 17 Autochromes by Hans Hildenbrand
Bird Banding, the Telltale of Migratory Flight: A Modern Method of Learning the Flight-Ways and Habits of Birds, with 50 Illustrations
President Coolidge Bestows Lindbergh Award: The National Geographic Society’s Hubbard Medal Is Presented to Aviator Before the Most Notable Gathering in the History of Washington, with 4 Illustrations
Price: $16 - VG/G
Price: $11 - G
Price: $11 - G
Price: $11 - G
Price: $8 - G/POOR
Price: $3 - POOR
National Geographic - December 1927, Vol. 52, No. 6
The Pageant of Jerusalem: The Capital of the Land of Three Great Faiths Is Still the Holy City for Christian, Moslem, and Jew, with 56 Illustrations
Color Records from the Changing Life of the Holy City, with 27 Autochromes by Maynard W. Williams
East of Suez to the Mount of the Decalogue: Following the Trail Over Which Moses Led the Israelites From the Slave-Pens of Egypt to Sinai, with 33 Illustrations
The Geography of Money, with 31 Illustrations
Price: $22 - VG
Price: $20 - VG/G
Price: $12 - G
Price: $8 - Poor (missing back cover)
National Geographic - November 1927, Vol. 52, No. 5
The Pathfinder of the East: Setting Sail to Find Christians and Spices, Vasco da Gama Met Amazing Adventures, Founded an Empire, and Changed the History of Western Europe, with 44 Illustrations
Rainbow Portraits of Portugal: 17 Autochromes by Gervais Courtellemont
An Altitudinal Journey Through Portugal: Rugged Scenic Beauty, Colorful Costumes, and Ancient Castles Abound in Tiny Nation That Once Ruled a Vast Empire, with 45 Illustrations
Round About Liechtenstein: A Tiny Principality Which the Visitor May Encompass in a Single View Affords Adventurous Climbs Among Steep Pastures and Quaint Villages, with 19 Illustrations
Price: $18 - VG/G - This pictorial supplement is NOT INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price: $15 - G - This pictorial supplement is NOT INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price: $10 - Poor. Detached covers - This pictorial supplement is NOT INCLUDED with this magazine.
National Geographic - October 1927, Vol. 52, No. 4
By Coolie and Caravan Across Central Asia: Narrative of a 7,900-Mile Journey of Exploration and Research Over the Roof of the World, from the Indian Ocean to the Yellow Sea, with 74 Illustrations
Sicily: Island of Vivid Beauty and Crumbling Glory, with 22 Natural Color Photographs by Luigi Pellerano
How Latin America Looks from the Air: U.S. Army Airplanes Hurdle the High Andes, Brave Brazil Jungles, and Follow Smoking Volcanoes to Map New Sky Paths Around South America, with 51 Illustrations
Price: $15 - VG/G
Price: $15 - VG/G
Price: $15 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $8 - G/poor
Price: $5 - POOR
National Geographic - September 1927, Vol. 52, No. 3
The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927: Since White Man’s Discovery This Mighty River Has Served Him Well, Yet It Has Brought Widespread Devastation Along Its Lower Reaches, with 54 Illustrations
Living Jewels of the Sea (Plankton), with 16 Color Paintings by William Crowder
The Black Hills, Once Hunting Grounds of the Red Men, with 18 Illustrations
The Friendly Crows in Festive Panoply (Native American Tribe): 13 Natural Color Photographs by Edwin L. Wisherd
Who Treads Our Trails: A Camera Trapper Describes His Experiences on an Island in the Canal Zone, a Natural-History Laboratory in the American Tropics (Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone), with 19 Illustrations
Our Transatlantic Flight,by Commander Richard Evelyn Byrd, U.S. Navy (Ret.), with 18 Illustrations
Price: $15 - VG/G
Price: $15 - VG/G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
National Geographic - August 1927, Vol. 52, No. 2
Across the Midi in a Canoe: Two Americans Paddle Along the Canals of Southern France from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, with 50 Illustrations
In Smiling Alsace, Where France Has Resumed Sway, with 11 Autochromes by Gervais Courtellemont
Navigating the Norge from Rome to the North Pole and Beyond: The Designer and Pilot of the First Dirigible to Fly Over the Top of the World Describes a Thrilling Voyage of More Than 8,000 Miles, with 37 Illustrations
Stalking the Dragon Lizard on the Island of Komodo, with 21 Illustrations
Air Conquest: From the Early Days of Giant Kites and Birdlike Gliders, The National Geographic Society has Aided and Encouraged the Growth of Aviation, with 13 Illustrations (Summary: The (National Geographic) Society has long chronicled aviation, including the origins of aircraft types, the science of aviation, the use of aircraft in war, commerce, and industry, and the role of aircraft in exploration. Related Subjects: Aviation; Bell, Alexander Graham; Byrd, Richard Evelyn; Gliders; Hubbard Medal - Recpients; Kites; Lindbergh, Charles A.; Wright, Orville; Wright, Wilbur.)
Price: $16 - VG/G
Price: $12 - G
Price: $12 - G
Price: $12 - G
Price: $10 - POOR (water damage)
Price: $10 - POOR (MISSING COVERS). Internally in VG condition
National Geographic - July 1927, Vol. 52, No. 1
Sindbads of Science: Narrative of a Windjammer’s Specimen-Collecting Voyage to the Sargasso Sea, to Senegambian Africa and Among Islands of High Adventure in the South Atlantic, with 87 Illustrations
Strange Habits of Familiar Moths and Butterflies, with 44 Illustrations including 16 Full Page Color Plates
Where Our Moths and Butterflies Roam
Price: $18 - VG
Price: $8 - G
Price: $6 - poor (missing back cover)
Price: $6 - poor (missing back cover)
Price: $6 - G/poor
National Geographic - June 1927, Vol. 51, No. 6
Ho for the Soochow Ho (Houseboat Journey in China from Shanghai on the Sochow Creek to Soochow, and thence by the Grand Canal to Hangchow), with 33 Illustrations
The Geography of China: The Influence of Physical Environment on the History and Character of the Chinese People, with 11 Illustrations
Life Afloat in China: Tens of Thousands of Chinese in Congested Ports Spend Their Entire Existence on Boats, with 28 Illustrations
New China and the Printed Page, with 21 Illustrations
Among the People of Cathay: 16 Illustrations in Duotone
Hospitality of the Czechs
Costumes of Czechoslovakia: 19 Natural Color Photographs by Hans Hildenbrand
Price: $18 - VG/G
Price: $18 - VG/G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $5 - POOR
National Geographic - May 1927, Vol. 51, No. 5
SPECIAL ISSUE Wild Flowers of the West
Among the Zapotecs of Mexico: A Visit to the Indians of Oaxaca, Home State of the Republic’s Great Liberator, Juarez, and Its Most Famous Ruler, Diaz, with 60 Illustrations
The Family Tree of the Flowers, with 2 Illustrations
Wild Flowers of the West, with 205 Illustrations in Color from Paintings by Edith S. Clements
Price: $18 - VG
Price: $16 - VG/G Internally, the botanical Paintings by Edith S. Clements are in very good condition.
Price: $16 - VG/G Internally, the botanical Paintings by Edith S. Clements are in very good condition.
Price: $12 - G Internally, the botanical Paintings by Edith S. Clements are in very good condition.
Price: $12 - G Internally, the botanical Paintings by Edith S. Clements are in very good condition.
Price: $12 - G Internally, the botanical Paintings by Edith S. Clements are in very good condition.
National Geographic - April 1927, Vol. 51, No. 4
The Races of Domestic Fowl, with 67 Illustrations
Fowl of the Old and New World: 29 Paintings from Life by Hashime Murayama
America’s Debt to the Hen, with 15 Illustrations
Farmer’s Since the Days of Noah: China’s Remarkable System of Agriculture Has Kept Alive the Densest Population in the World, with 37 Illustrations.
Price: $19 - VG/G
Price: $19 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G (back cover detached)
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $7 - Poor
National Geographic - March 1927, Vol. 51, No. 3
Ireland: The Rock Whence I Was Hewn, with 69 Illustrations
The Hills and Dales of Erin and Vermont : 18 Natural Color Photographs
The Green Mountain State (Vermont), with 41 Illustrations
Nicaragua, Largest of Central American Republics, with 15 Illustrations
Price: $19 - VG/G
Price: $12 - G
National Geographic - February 1927, Vol. 51, No. 2
18 ILLUSTRATIONS IN FULL COLOR (Peru and Bolivia Andes)
A Maryland Pilgrimage: Visits to Hallowed Shrines Recall the Major Role Played by This Prosperous State in the Development of Popular Government in America, with 88 Illustrations
The Heart of Aymara Land: A Visit to Tiahuanacu, Perhaps the Oldest City of the New World, Lost Beneath the Drifting Sand of Centuries in the Bolivian Highlands, with 24 Illustrations
High Lights in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes: 18 Natural Color Photographs by W. Robert Moore
Price: $25 - VG/G The Map Supplement (MARYLAND, DELAWARE, and the DISTRICT of COLUMBIA) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $18 - VG/G The Map Supplement (MARYLAND, DELAWARE, and the DISTRICT of COLUMBIA) is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $14 - G The Map Supplement (MARYLAND, DELAWARE, and the DISTRICT of COLUMBIA) is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $5 - Poor The Map Supplement (MARYLAND, DELAWARE, and the DISTRICT of COLUMBIA) is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - January 1927, Vol. 51, No. 1
Jamaica, the Isle of Many Rivers, with 39 Illustrations
The Color Palette of the Caribbean: 11 Natural Color Photographs by Jacob Gayer
The First Autochromes from the Ocean Bottom: Marine Life in Its Natural Habitat Along the Florida Keys Is Successfully Photographed in Colors, with 8 Natural Color Photographs by W. H. Longley; and, Charles Martin
Life on a Coral Reef: The Fertility and Mystery of the Sea Studied Beneath the Waters Surrounding Dry Tortugas (westernmost of the Florida Keys Islands), with 22 Illustrations
The Columbus of the Pacific: Captain James Cook, Foremost British Navigator, Expanded the Great Sea to Correct Proportions and Won for Albion an Insular Empire by Peaceful Exploration and Scientific Study, with 25 Illustrations
A Pictorial Jaunt Through Papua: 22 Illustrations from Photographs by Capt. Frank Hurley
Price: $16 - VG/G
Price: $16 - VG/G
Price: $16 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $5 - POOR
National Geographic - December 1926, Vol. 50, No. 6
THIRTY-FOUR ILLUSTRATIONS IN FULL COLOR (Birthplace of Christianity: Jerusalem, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon)
Skirting the Shores of Sunrise: Seeking and Finding The Levant in a Journey by Steamer, Motor-Car, and Train from Constantinople to Port Said (lands that form a crescent around the eastern half of the Mediterranean Sea including Turkey, Syria, and Palestine), with 61 Illustrations
In the Birthplace of Christianity (Jerusalem; Palestine; Syria; Lebanon) : 34 Autochromes Lumiere by Hans Hildenbrand; Maynard Owen Williams; and, Gervais Courtellemont
Among the Bethlehem Shepherds: A Visit to the Valley Which David Probably Recalled When He Wrote the Twenty-third Psalm, with 19 Illustrations
Exploring the Earth’s Stratosphere: The Holder of the American Altitude Record Describes His Experiences in Reaching the Ceiling of His Plane at an Elevation of Nearly Eight Miles, with 18 Illustrations
Price: $25 - VG
Price: $20 - VG/G
Price: $20 - VG/G
Price: $12 - Missing a portion of the back cover. Otherwise VG.
Price: $6 - Poor Front cover torn
Price: $4 - Poor
National Geographic - November 1926, Vol. 50, No. 5
Russia of the Hour: Giant Battle Ground for Theories of Economy, Society, and Politics, as Observed by an Unbiased Correspondent, with 81 Illustrations
Guatemala: Land of Volcanoes and Progress: Cradle of Ancient Mayan Civilization, Redolent With Its Later Spanish and Indian Ways, Now Reaping Prosperity from Bananas and Coffee, with 33 Illustrations
The Land of the Quetzal (Guatemala): 20 Natural Color Photographs by Jacob Gayer
Price: $16 - VG
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
National Geographic - October 1926, Vol. 50, No. 4
Canada from the Air: Flights Aggregating 10,000 Miles Reveal the Marvelous Scenic Beauties and Amazing Natural Resources of the Dominion, with 77 Illustrations
Carnival Days on the Riviera (across the south of France, particularly in Nice), with 21 Illustrations
The France of Sunshine and Flowers: 16 Color Illustrations from Photographs by Maynard Owen Williams; Gervais Courtellemont; and, Hans Hildenbrand
Hunting an Observatory: A Successful Search for a Dry Mountain on Which to Establish the National Geographic Society’s Solar Radiation Station, with 14 Illustrations.
Price: $16 - VG
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - Poor
National Geographic - September 1926, Vol. 50, No. 3
Marching Through Georgia Sixty Years After: Multifold Industries and Diversified Agriculture Are Restoring the Prosperity of American’s Largest State East of the Mississippi, with 47 Illustrations
Flying Over Egypt, Sinai, and Palestine: Looking Down Upon the Holy Land During an Air Journey of Two and a Half Hours from Cairo to Jerusalem, with 27 Illustrations
Along the Banks of the Colorful Nile: 23 Natural Color Photographs by Gervais Courtellemont
The First Flight to the North Pole, by Lieutenant Commander Richard Evelyn Byrd, U. S. Navy (Ret.), with 14 Illustrations
Commander Byrd Receives the Hubbard Gold Medal: The First Explorer to Reach the North Pole by Air Receives Coveted Honor at Brilliant National Geographic Society Reception, with 6 Illustrations.
Price: $29 - VG The Map Supplement IS included with this magazine.
Price: $25 - VG/G The Map Supplement IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7 - POOR The Map Supplement (NORTH & SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA & E. TENN.) IS NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $7 - POOR The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $7 - POOR The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - August 1926, Vol. 50, No. 2
Through the Great River Trenches of Asia: National Geographic Society Explorer Follows the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salwin Through Mighty Gorges, Some of Whose Canyon Walls Tower to a Height of More Than Two Miles (Western China and Southeastern Tibet), by Joseph F. Rock, with 48 Illustrations (Summary: Joseph Rock realizes his goal to bring home to America in pictures the sheer rock faces and churning waters of China's famous river gorges and the lifestyles of those who live along them. Related Subjects: China; Mekong River, Southeast Asia; Salween River, Myanmar-China; Yangtze River and Basin, China; Yunnan Province, China)
The Life of the Moon Jellyfish, with 6 Illustrations
Jellyfishes, Living Draperies of Color: Eight Reproductions of Paintings from Life by William Crowder
Struggling Poland: A Journey in Search of the Picturesque Through the Most Populous of the New States of Europe, with 49 Illustrations
Siena’s Palio, An Italian Inheritance from the Middle Ages, with 3 Illustrations
Under Radiant Italian Skies: Eight Natural-Color Photographs by Hans Hildenbrand.
Price: Price: $25 - VG/G
National Geographic - July 1926, Vol. 50, No. 1
Standing Iceberg Guard in the North Atlantic: International Patrol Safeguards the Lives of Thousands of Travelers and Protects Transatlantic Liners from a Titanic Fate, with 30 Illustrations
The World’s Great Waterfalls: Visits to Mighty Niagara (in North America), Wonderful Victoria (of the Zambezi, in South Africa), and Picturesque Iguazu (in South America), with 29 Illustrations
Streets and Palaces of Colorful India, with 34 Illustrations from Natural-Color Photographs by Gervais Courtellemont
Pirate Rivers and Their Prizes: The Warfare of Waterways Has Sometimes Changed the Geography of Our Continents, with 44 Illustrations.
Price: $15 - VG
Price: $15 - VG
Price: $15 - VG
Price: $12 - VG/G
Price: $12 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G
National Geographic - June 1926, Vol. 49, No. 6
The Conquest of Mount Logan: North America’s Second Highest Peak Yields to the Intrepid Attack of Canadian Climbers, with 40 Illustrations
The Beauty of the Bavarian Alps, with 16 Autochromes Lumiere by Hans Hildenbrand
Through the Deserts and Jungles of Africa by Motor: Caterpillar Cars Make 15,000-Mile Trip from Algeria to Madagascar in Nine Months, with 96 Illustrations.
Price: $15 - VG/G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $10 - G
Price: $8 - Poor
National Geographic - May 1926, Vol. 49, No. 5
Motor-Coaching Through North Carolina, with 44 Illustrations
The Ashley River and Its Gardens (Tidal River of South Carolina), with 6 Illustrations
Exploring the Atlantic Seaboard with a Color Camera: 18 Natural Color Photographs by Charles Martin; and, Jacob Gayer
London From a Bus Top, with 44 Illustrations.
Price: $22 - VG SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT "BOYHOOD OF SIR WALTER RALEIGH", Size 8 5/8 X 11 1/4 inches ( This Supplement IS INCLUDED with this Magazine.)
Price: $22 - VG SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT "BOYHOOD OF SIR WALTER RALEIGH", Size 8 5/8 X 11 1/4 inches ( This Supplement IS INCLUDED with this Magazine.)
Price: $22 - VG SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT "BOYHOOD OF SIR WALTER RALEIGH", Size 8 5/8 X 11 1/4 inches ( This Supplement IS INCLUDED with this Magazine.)
Price: $18 - VG ( The Supplement is NOT INCLUDED with this Magazine.)
Price: $14 - VG/G ( The Supplement is NOT INCLUDED with this Magazine.)
Price: $9 - G ( The Supplement is NOT INCLUDED with this Magazine.)
Price: $9 - G ( The Supplement is NOT INCLUDED with this Magazine.)
National Geographic - April 1926, Vol. 49, No. 4
Exploring the Valley of the Amazon in a Hydroplane: Twelve Thousand Miles of Flying Over the World’s Greatest River and Greatest Forest to Chart the Unknown Parima River from the Sky, by Captain Albert W. Stevens, U. S. Army Air Service, with 87 Illustrations
Marvels of Mycetozoa: Exploration of a Long Island Swamp Reveals Some of the Secrets of the Slime Molds, Dwelling on the Borderland Between the Plant and Animal Kingdoms, with 21 Illustrations including: 16 Full-page Color Illustrations from Paintings from Life by William Crowder
The Amazon, Father of Waters: The Earth’s Mightiest River Drains a Basin of More Than 2,700,000 Square Miles, from Which Came Originally the World’s Finest Rubber, with 15 Illustrations
Where the Sard Holds Sway (Sardinia), with 9 Autochrome Illustrations from Natural-Color Photographs by Colonel Luigi Pellerano
Recent Contributions by Members of the National Geographic Society
Price: $16 - VG/G
Price: $12 - G
Price: $9 - G/POOR
National Geographic - March 1926, Vol. 49, No. 3
Singapore, Crossroads of the East: The World’s Greatest Mart for Rubber and Tin Was in Recent Times a Pirate-haunted, Tiger-infested Jungle Isle, with 33 Illustrations
The Land of Egypt: A Narrow Green Strip of Fertility Stretching for a Thousand Miles Through Walls of Desert, with 29 Illustrations
A Naturalist with MacMillan in the Arctic
The First Natural-Color Photographs from the Arctic: 22 Autochromes by Jacob Gayer; and, Maynard O. Williams
Transylvania and Its Seven Castles: A Motor Circuit Through Rumania’s New Province of Racial Complexity and Architectural Charm, with 36 Illustrations.
Price: $16 - VG
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $14 - VG/G
Price: $7 - G
Price: $7 - G
Price: $7 - G
National Geographic - February 1926, Vol. 49, No. 2
Round About Bogota: A Hunt for New Fruits and Plants Among the Mountain Forests of Colombia’s Unique Capital, with 35 Illustrations
Fishing for Pearls in the Indian Ocean, with 24 Illustrations
Rothenburg (Germany), the City Time Forgot, with 8 Natural-color Photographs by Hans Hildenbrand
The Road to Wang Ye Fu: An Account of the Work of the National Geographic Society’s Central-China Expedition in the Mongol Kingdom of Ala Shan, with 29 Illustrations
Scenes in the Celestial Republic (China): 16 Full-page Illustrations in Duotone.
Price: $20 - VG/G
National Geographic - January 1926, Vol. 49, No. 1
On the Trail of the Air Mail: A Narrative of the Experiences of the Flying Couriers Who Relay the Mail Across America at a Speed of More than 2,000 Miles a Day, with 68 Illustrations
Man’s Feathered Friends of Longest Standing: Peoples of Every Clime and Age Have Lavished Care and Affection Upon Lovely Pigeons, with 35 Illustrations
Pigeons of Resplendent Plumage: 12 Paintings from Life by Hashime Murayama
Measuring the Sun’s Heat and Forecasting the Weather: The National Geographic Society to Maintain a Solar Station in a Remote Part of the World to Cooperate with Smithsonian Institution Stations in California and Chile, with 16 Illustrations.
Price: $20 - VG/G
Price: $15 - G
Price: $8 - poor
National Geographic - December 1925, Vol. 48, No. 6
SPECIAL ISSUECattle of the World
The Taurine World: Cattle and Their Place in the Human Scheme: Wild Types and Modern Breeds of Many Lands, with 76 Illustrations
The Cattle of the World: 20 Paintings in Oil Reproduced in Full Color by Edward Herbert Miner.
Price: $20.00 - VG
Price: $20.00 - VG
Price: $20.00 - VG
Price: $20.00 - VG
Price: $15.00 - VG/G
Price: $15.00 - VG/G
Price: $12.00 - G
Price: $8.00 - G/POOR
Price: $8.00 - G/POOR
National Geographic - November 1925, Vol. 48, No. 5
The MacMillan Arctic Expedition Returns: U. S. Navy Planes Make First Series of Overland Flights in the Arctic and National Geographic Society Staff Obtains Valuable Data and Specimens for Scientific Study, by Donald B. MacMillan, with 42 Illustrations
Flying Over the Arctic, by Lieutenant Commander Richard E. Byrd, U. S. Navy (Ret.), with 10 Illustrations
History’s Greatest Trek: Tragedy Stalks Through the Near East as Greece and Turkey Exchange Two Million of Their People, with 52 Illustrations
Sun-Painted Scenes in the Near East (Asia Minor; Turkey): 32 Autochromes Lumiere by Gervais Courtellemont. The 1925 Arctic Regions map issued with this volume features:
• Detailed insets of the Ellesmere Island region, Spitsbergen, and Franz Josef Land
• Routes of explorers including flights of US Navy planes in the MacMillan Arctic Expedition, 1925
• Warm and cold ocean currents and courses of icebergs
• Land elevation indicated by color
• Glaciers and ice caps
• Railways
Coverage Area: Arctic polar region, Alaska, northern Canada, northern Russia, Greenland, Spitzbergen and Franz Josef Land, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.
Price: $25.00 - VG Special Map Supplement of the Artic Regions IS included
Price: $20.00 - VG/G Special Map Supplement of the Artic Regions IS included
National Geographic - October 1925, Vol. 48, No. 4
The Romance of Science in Polynesia: An Account of Five Years of Cruising Among the South Sea Islands, with 69 Illustrations
Iridescent Isles of the South Seas: 16 Illustrations in Full Color including 12 Photographs by Rollo H. Beck, Photographer; and, 4 Paintings by Hashime Murayama, Artist (Included among these 16 Full-page Illustrations are 12 Color Photographs from the following islands: Austral Islands including: Rapa, and Rimitara; Marquesas Islands including: Fatuhiva, and Nukuhiva; French Oceania islets of Tenararo, of the vast Tuamotu Archipelago; and, Kaukura Island. Also included are 4 Paintings of the following very Colorful and Beautiful Birds including 2 Full-Page Paintings of FRUIT PIGEONS: Fruit Pigeons of Samoa, Fiji, Hivaoa Island, Marquesas Group, and Tahiti; Marquesan kingfisher bird of Polynesia; and Brush-Tongued Parakeets of the Austral & Marquesan Islands)
Collarin’ Cape Cod: Experiences on Board a U. S. Navy Destroyer in a Wild Winter Storm, with 46 Illustrations
MacMillan in the Field, with 3 Illustrations.
Price: $15 - VG
Price: $15 - VG
Price: $15 - VG
Price: $15 - VG
Price: $13 - VG/G
Price: $13 - VG/G
Price: $11 - G
Price: $8 - G/POOR
Price: $5 - POOR
National Geographic - September 1925, Vol. 48, No. 3
Everyday Life in Pueblo Bonito: As Disclosed by the National Geographic Society’s Archeologic Explorations in the Chaco Canyon National Monument, New Mexico, with 38 Illustrations
Exploring in the Canyon of Death: Remains of a People Who Dwelt in Our Southwest at Least 4,000 Years Ago Are Revealed, with 24 Illustrations
Canyons and Cacti of the American Southwest: 22 Natural-Color Photographs by Edwin L. Wisherd; and, Jacob Gayer
New Discoveries in Carlsbad Cavern: Vast Subterranean Chambers with Spectacular Decorations Are Explored, Surveyed, and Photographed, with 20 Illustrations
Bats of the Carlsbad Cavern, with 11 Illustrations
Experiences of a Lone Geographer: An American Agricultural Explorer Makes His Way Through Brigand-infested Central China en Route to the Amne Machin Range, Tibet, by Joseph F. Rock, with 17 Illustrations (Summary: In an informal letter from China, the indefatigable Joseph F. Rock relates a dangerous leg of his journey to Tibet to collect plant samples from that region. Related Subjects: Amne Machin Shan, Qinghai Province, China; China; Sichuan Province, China)
Scientific Aspects of the MacMillan Expedition, with 5 Illustrations.
Price: $25 - VG/G
Price: $15.00. Missing both covers otherwise all pages are in VG condition.
National Geographic - August 1925, Vol. 48, No. 2
Waimangu and the Hot-spring Country of New Zealand: The World’s Greatest Geyser Is One of Many Natural Wonders in a Land of Inferno and Vernal Paradise, with 20 Illustrations
Tripolitania, Where Rome Resumes Sway: The Ancient Trans-Mediterranean Empire, on the Fringe of the Libyan Desert, Becomes a Promising Modern Italian Colony, with 28 Illustrations
Under Italian Libya’s Burning Sun: 9 Autochromes Lumiere by Luigi Pellerano
Toilers of the Sky: Tenuous Clouds Perform the Mighty Task of Shaping the Earth and Sustaining Terrestrial Life, with 33 Illustrations including 16-page Photographic Essay titled, Toilers in the Sky (Clouds)
From England to India by Automobile: An 8,527-mile Trip Through Ten Countries, from London to Quetta, Requires Five and a Half Months, with 34 Illustrations
The MacMillan Arctic Expedition Sails, with 3 Illustrations.
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $14 - VG
Price: $11 - VG/G
Price: $11 - VG/G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
National Geographic - July 1925, Vol. 48, No. 1
Rediscovering the Rhine: A Trip by Barge from the Sea to the Headwaters of Europe’s Storied Stream, with 44 Illustrations
Pages from the Floral Life of America, with 55 Flower Paintings by Mary E. Eaton
Bird Life Among Lava Rock and Coral Sand: The Chronicle of a Scientific Expedition to Little-known Islands of Hawaii (Hawaiian Bird Reservation of Little-known Leeward Islands of the Hawaiian Group), with 37 Illustrations.
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $8 - G
Price: $8 - G
National Geographic - June 1925, Vol. 47, No. 6
A Caravan Journey Through Abyssinia: From Addis Ababa Through Lalibela, the Strange Jerusalem of Ethiopia, in Search of New Grains for American Farms, with 47 Illustrations
Black-Headed Gulls in London: Aces of Aviation, with 16 Illustrations
To Seek the Unknown in the Arctic: United States Navy Flyers to Aid MacMillan Expedition Under the Auspices of the National Geographic Society in Exploring Vast Area, with 2 Illustrations
The Bowdoin in North Greenland: Arctic Explorers Place Tablet to Commemorate Sacrifices of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, with 49 Illustrations.
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $6 - G
Price: $6 - G
Price: $6 - G
National Geographic - May 1925, Vol. 47, No. 5
Through the Back Doors of Belgium: Artist and Author Paddle for Three Weeks Along 200 Miles of Low-Countries Canals in a Canadian Canoe, with 40 Illustrations
Ferns as a Hobby, with 29 Illustrations
Marvels of Fern Life: 16 Paintings from Life by R. J. Geske
Tracking the Columbian Ground-Squirrel to Its Burrow: Loss of Millions to Crops and Danger of the Spread of Spotted Fever Necessitated Study of Peculiar Rodent of Western North America, with 13 Illustrations
Helsingfors: A Contrast in Light and Shade (Finland), with 20 Illustrations.
Price:$11 - VG/G
Price: $9 - G
Price: $9 - G
Price:$9 - G
National Geographic - April 1925, Vol. 47, No. 4
The Mother of Rivers: An Account of a Photographic Expedition to the Great Columbia Ice Field of the Canadian Rockies, with 62 Illustrations including 16-page Photographic Essay titled, The Mother of Rivers (The Columbia Ice Field of the Canadian Rockies)
The Land of the Yellow Lama: National Geographic Society Explorer Visits the Strange Kingdom of Muli, Beyond to Likiang Snow Range of the Yunnan Province, China, by Joseph F. Rock, with 40 Illustrations (Summary: Legendary writer and photographer Joseph F. Rock brings a little-known corner of China to light, enjoying an audience with the region's ruler and observing the religious ceremonies of the lamas. Related Subjects: China; Monasteries; Muli, Sichuan Province, China; Sichuan Province, China; Tibetan Buddhism; Buddhism)
The National Geographic Society’s Yunnan Province Expedition, with 3 Illustrations
Price:$18 - G
Price:$8 - G/poor
National Geographic - March 1925, Vol. 47, No. 3
Looking Down on Europe: The Thrills and Advantages of Sight-seeing by Airplane, as Demonstrated on a 6,500-mile Tour Over Commercial Aviation Routes, with 68 Illustrations
Across French and Spanish Morocco, with 20 Illustrations
The Camera’s Color Records of North Africa (Morocco): 16 Autochromes Lumiere by Gervais Courtellemont
The Singing Towers of Belgium and Holland, with 22 Illustrations
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
National Geographic - February 1925, Vol. 47, No. 2
Cairo to Cape Town, Overland: An Adventurous Journey of 135 Days, Made by an American Man and His Wife, Through the Length of the African Continent, with 103 Illustrations
Amid the Snows and Swamps of Tropical Africa: 16 Full-page Illustrations in Duotone from Photographs by Vittorio Sella and, others.
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $9 - VG/G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
National Geographic - January 1925, Vol. 47, No. 1
Seeing America from the Shenandoah: An Account of the Record-making 9,000-mile Flight from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast and Return in the Navy’s American-built, American-manned Airship, with 41 Illustrations
The Palace of Versailles (France), Its Park and the Trianons, with 4 Illustrations
Versailles (France), the Magnificent: 14 Autochromes Lumiere by Gervais Courtellemont
Chichen Itza, an Ancient American Mecca: Recent Excavations in Yucatan Are Bringing to Light the Temples, Palaces, and Pyramids of America’s Most Holy Native City, by Sylvanus Gruswold Morley, with 36 Illustrations
Interviewing the Stars: How Twentieth Century Astronomers are Inducing the Heavens to Reveal Their Secrets, with 21 Illustrations
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $11 - VG
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price: $10 - VG/G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
National Geographic - December 1924, Vol. 46, No. 6
PORTO RICO, THE GATE OF RICHES: Amazing Prosperity Has Been the Lot of Ponce de Leon’s Isle under American Administration, by John Oliver La Gorce; with 47 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 46 Photographs by Charles Martin, Staff Photographs
COLORFUL PORTO RICO: 12 Full-page Illustrations in Natural Color from Photographs
A CHAR-A-BANCS IN CORNWALL (England), by Herbert Corey; with 45 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 44 Photographs
WITH AN EXILE IN ARCTIC SIBERIA: The Narrative of a Russian Who Was Compelled to Turn Polar Explorer for Two Years, by Vladimir M. Zenzinov; with 31 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 30 Photographs by the Author
Price:$22 - VG/G
Price:$14 - G
Price:$8 - G/POOR
National Geographic - November 1924, Vol. 46, No. 5
BANISHING THE DEVIL OF DISEASE AMONG THE NASHI: Weird Ceremonies Performed by an Aboriginal Tribe in the Heart of Yunnan Province, China, by Joseph F. Rock; with 27 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 26 Photographs by the Author (Summary: The leader of the National Geographic Society's Yunnan Province expedition visits an isolated Tibeto-Burmese community where sorcerers treat disease by symbol, sacrifice, and elaborate sets of rituals. Related Subjects: China; Nashi people; Religious ceremonies and festivals; Shamanism; Yunnan Province, China; Folk medicine)
THE GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBURG: A Miniature Democratic State of Many Charms Against a Feudal Background, by Maynard Owen Williams; with 29 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 28 Photographs
FLASHES OF COLOR THROUGHOUT FRANCE: 28 Autochromes Lumiere on 16 Pages
TIGER HUNTING IN INDIA, by Brigadier General William Mitchell, Assistant Chief, U. S. Army Air Service; with 31 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 30 Photographs
FROM THE PLAINS OF MADRAS TO THE SNOWS OF KASHMIR: 16 Duotone Illustrations from Photographs
Price:$10 - G
Price:$10 - G
Price:$7 - G/POOR
Price:$5 - POOR
National Geographic - October 1924, Vol. 46, No. 4
In the Diamond Mountains of Korea by The Marquess Curzon of Kedleston with 22 illustrations.
Goldfish and Their Cultivation in America by Hugh M. Smith with 22 illustrations
Latvia, Home of the Letts by Maynard Owen WIlliams with 49 illustrations
Crossing Asia Minor, the County of the New Turkish Republic by Major Robert Whitney Imbrie with 32 illustrations
Price:$25 - VG/G
Price:$24 - VG/G "Goldfish" Written on spine.
Price:$8 - Poor Fish pictures removed.
National Geographic - September 1924, Vol. 46, No. 3
CROSSING THE UNTRAVERSED LIBYAN DESERT: The Record of a 2,200-Mile Journey of Exploration which Resulted in the Discovery of Two Oases of Strategic Importance on the Southwestern Frontier of Egypt, by A. M. Hassanein Bey; with 47 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 46 Photographs by the Author
THE MOST VALUABLE BIRD IN THE WORLD (Guanayes of Peru), by Robert Cushman Murphy; with 26 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 25 Photographs
ZIGZAGGING ACROSS SICILY, by Melville Chater; with 45 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 44 Photographs.
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$9 - Poor
National Geographic - August 1924, Vol. 46, No. 2
DISCOVERING THE OLDEST STATUES IN THE WORLD: A Daring Explorer Swims Through a Subterranean River of the Pyrenees and Finds Rock Carvings Made 20,000 Years Ago (Montespan Cavern, France, in the foothills of the Pyrenees), by Norbert Casteret; with 26 Illustrations including: 2 Maps; and, 24 Photographs
ADVENTUROUS SONS OF CADIZ (Spain), by Harriet Chalmers Adams; with 37 Illustrations from Photographs
MOORISH SPAIN: 26 Autochromes Lumiere in 16 Pages by Gervais Courtellemont
FROM GRANADA TO GIBRALTAR: A TOUR OF SOUTHERN SPAIN, by Harry A. McBride; with 23 Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$12 - VG/G
National Geographic - July 1924, Vol. 46, No. 1
THE NON-STOP FLIGHT ACROSS AMERICA (Long Island, New York to San Diego, California in an army transport plane), by Lieutenant John A. Macready, U. S. Army Air Service; with 80 Illustrations including: 4 Maps, and 68 Photographs
OUR COUNTRY THROUGH THE AIRMAN’S CAMERA (Cover Title), in reference to Magazine article titled: AMERICA FROM THE AIR: No Such Series of Airplane Views Has Ever Before Been Printed, by Lieutenant Albert W. Stevens, U. S. Army Air Service; with 8 Illustrations from Photographs
MAN’S AMAZING PROGRESS IN CONQUERING THE AIR, by J. R. Hildebrand; with 29 Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$21 - VG
Price:$21 - VG
Price:$18 - VG/G
Price:$18 - VG/G
Price:$14 - G
Price:$14 - G (previous owner stamp on front cover)
Price:$14 - G
National Geographic - June 1924, Vol. 45, No. 6
EXPLORING THE MYSTERIES OF PLANT LIFE, by William Joseph Showalter; with 88 Illustrations, including 16 Full-pages of Color Illustrations from Paintings by Mary E. Eaton
NORWAY AND THE NORWEGIANS, by Maurice Francis Egan, Litt. D., Late United States Minister to Denmark; with 29 Illustrations from Photographs
IN THE LAND OF THE VIKINGS (Norway): 16 Full-Page Illustrations from Photographs
Price:$18 - VG/G
Price:$18 - VG/G
Price:$18 - VG/G
Price:$16 - Ex Library with library stamp on front cover otherwise VG
Price:$9 - G
Price:$9 - G
Price:$9 - G
Price:$9 - G
Price:$9 - G
National Geographic - May 1924, Vol. 45, No. 5
SURVEYING THE GRAND CANYON OF THE COLORADO: An Account of the 1923 Boating Expedition of the United States Geological Survey, by Lewis R. Freeman; with 63 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 62 Photographs
GLIMPSES EAST AND WEST IN AMERICA: 16 Full-Page Duotone Illustrations from Photographs (New Hampshire; Yale University; Niagara; Stone Mountain, Georgia; Ocean; Grand Canyon; Zion; Yellowstone; Chicago Beach; Glacier Creek Canyon, Montana; Wyoming ranges; New Jersey; Yosemite; and Mount Saint Helens, Washington)
THE ISTHMUS OF TEHUANTEPEC (Mexico), by Herbert Corey; with 25 Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$20 - VG/G MAP OF NORTH AMERICA (Map Supplement is included)
Price:$20 - VG/G MAP OF NORTH AMERICA (Map Supplement is included)
Price:$20 - VG/G MAP OF NORTH AMERICA (Map Supplement is included)
Price:$15 - G MAP OF NORTH AMERICA (Map Supplement is included)
Price:$15 - G MAP OF NORTH AMERICA (Map Supplement is included)
Price:$12 - G NO MAP
National Geographic - April 1924, Vol. 45, No. 4
THE STORY OF THE LEGENDS OF THE PONTINE MARSHES: After Many Centuries of Fruitless Effort, Italy Is to Inaugurate a Gigantic Enterprise to Drain the Fertile Region Southeast of Rome, by Don Gelasio Caetani, Italian Ambassador to the United States; with 18 Illustrations from Photographs
ITALY, LAND OF HISTORY AND ROMANCE: 16 Full-Page Illustrations from Photographs
ANCIENT CARTHAGE IN THE LIGHT OF MODERN EXCAVATION, by Count Byron Khun de Prorok; with 28 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 27 Photographs
TUNISIA, WHERE SEA AND DESERT MEET: 16 Autochromes (8 Pages of Color Illustrations from Photographs) by Gervais Courtellemont
KEEPING HOUSE IN MAJORCA (Spain's Balearic Islands), by Phoebe Binney Harnden; with 19 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 18 from Photographs
SAKURAJIMA, JAPAN’S GREATEST VOLCANIC ERUPTION: A Convulsion of Nature Whose Ravages Were Minimized by Scientific Knowledge, Compared with the Terrors and Destruction of the Recent Tokyo Earthquake, by T. A. Jaggar, Director, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory; with 33 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 32 Photographs.
Price:$15 - G
Price:$15 - G
Price:$15 - G
Price:$10 - G/Poor
National Geographic - March 1924, Vol. 45, No. 3
GEOGRAPHY AND SOME EXPLORERS, by Joseph Conrad; with 13 Illustrations including: 1 Map Sketch; and, 12 Photographs
THE LURE OF THE LAND OF ICE: 16 Full-Page Illustrations from Photographs (Captain Robert R. Scott’s British Antarctic Expedition)
BEYOND THE CLAY HILLS: An Account of the National Geographic Society’s Reconnaissance of a Previously Unexplored Section in Utah, by Neil M. Judd, Leader of the National Geographic Society’s Pueblo Bonito Expeditions; with 29 Illustrations including: 1 Map, and 28 Photographs
AMONG THE CRATERS OF THE MOON: An Account of the First Expeditions Through the Remarkable Volcanic Lava Beds of Southern Idaho, by R. W. Limbert; with 24 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 23 Photographs by the Author
AUSTRALIA’S WILD WONDERLAND, by M. P. Greenwood Adams; with 37 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 36 Photographs by William Jackson, Nor’ West Scientific Expedition of Western Australia.
Price:$20 - VG/G
Price:$20 - VG/G
Price:$20 - VG/G
Price:$20 - VG/G
Price:$15 - G
National Geographic - February 1924, Vol. 45, No. 2
THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: America’s Strongest Outpost of Defense:The Volcanic and Floral Wonderland of the World, by Gilbert Grosvenor, LL. D., President National Geographic Society; profusely Illustrated with 134 Illustrations including: 6 Maps; 16 Full-page B/W Photographic Essay titled, Some of Nature’s Scenic Gifts to Hawaii; 16-Page Color Photographic Essay with 21 Photos titled, Colorful Wonders of the Hawaiian Islands; and, 91 additional Photographs including many which are Full-page.
Price:$12 - G
Price:$12 - G
Price:$10 - POOR
National Geographic - January 1924, Vol. 45, No. 1
A VISIT TO CARLSBAD CAVERN: Recent Explorations of a Limestone Cave in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico Reveal a Natural Wonder of the First Magnitude, by Willis T. Lee; with 34 Illustrations from Photographs
FANTASTIC PLANT OF OUR WESTERN DESERTS: 8 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs
ADVENTURES AMONG THE LOST TRIBES OF ISLAM IN EASTERN DARFUR: A Personal Narrative of Exploring, Mapping, and Setting Up a Government in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Borderland, by Major Edward Keith-Roach; with 33 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 32 Photographs by the Author
TIMBUKTU, IN THE SANDS OF THE SAHARA (Mali; French West Africa), by Captain Cecil D. Priest; with 16 Illustrations from Photographs
THE CONQUEST OF THE SAHARA BY THE AUTOMOBILE (Algeria); with 9 Illustrations from Photographs
REELFOOT: AN EARTHQUAKE LAKE (Tennessee), by Wilbur A. Nelson; with 20 Illustrations from Official Photographs, U.S. Army Air Service, Taken by Captain A. W. Stevens and Lieutenant George W. Polk, Engineering Division
Price:$18 - VG/G
Price:$15 - G
Price:$5 - POOR Covers Detached
National Geographic - December 1923, Vol. 44, No. 6
FISHES AND FISHERIES OF OUR NORTH ATLANTIC SEABOARD, by John Oliver La Gorce; with 35 Illustrations from Photographs
THE NORTH ATLANTIC FOOD FISHES: 16 Full-Page Color Plates from Paintings by Hashime Murayama
A SHORT VISIT TO WALES: Historic Associations and Scenic Beauties Contend for Interest in the Little Land Behind the Hills, by Ralph A. Graves; with 38 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 37 Photographs among which there is a 16-page Collection of Full-page Photos
THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY’S MEMORIAL TO AMERICAN TROOPS: Fountain and Water Supply System Presented to Historic French Town of Cantigny, Where Our Overseas Soldiers Won Their First Victory in the World War, with 4 Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$10 - G
Price:$8 - G/Poor
National Geographic - November 1923, Vol. 44, No. 5
The Story of Horse Twenty Four Pages in Full Color. The Development of Man's Companion in War Camp, on Farm, in the Marts of Trade, and in the Field of Sports. with 60 Illustrations (William Harding Carter). Horses of the World 24 Paintings in Oil Reproduced in Full Color.
Price:$20 - VG
Price:$18 - VG/G
Price:$15 - G
Price:$15 - G
National Geographic - October 1923, Vol. 44, No. 4
THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY: Methods That Have Revolutionized Manufacturing and Transformed Transportation, by William Joseph Showalter; with 76 Illustrations from Photographs
THE EMPIRE OF THE RISEN SUN (Japan), by William Elliot Griffis; with 21 Illustrations from Photographs including 8 Full-page
THE CAUSE OF EARTHQUAKES, by Robert F. Griggs, Leader of the National Geographic Society’s Mt. Katmai Expeditions; with 5 Illustrations including: 1 Map, and 4 Photographs
HOW THE EARTH TELEGRAPHED ITS TOKYO QUAKE TO WASHINGTON, by The Rev. Francis A. Tondorf, S. J.; with 1 Illustration from Photograph
Price:$20 - VG
Price:$20 - VG
Price:$18 - VG/G
Price:$15 - G
Price:$8 - Poor
National Geographic - September 1923, Vol. 44, No. 3
THE COASTS OF CORSICA: Impressions of a Winter’s Stay in the Island Birthplace of Napoleon, by Maynard Owen Williams, Staff Correspondent of the National Geographic Magazine; with 89 Illustrations including: 2 Maps; and 87 Photographs of which there are 45 Full-page
A NORTHERN CRUSOE’S ISLAND: Life on a Fox Farm Off the Coast of Alaska, Far from Contact with the World Eleven Months a Year, by Margery Pritchard Parker; with 16 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 15 Photographs
THE HAIRNET INDUSTRY OF NORTH CHINA, by H. W. Robinson; with 10 Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$20 - VG The Supplement (Peasant home in Corsica) IS INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$20 - VG The Supplement (Peasant home in Corsica) IS INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$20 - VG The Supplement (Peasant home in Corsica) IS INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$20 - VG The Supplement (Peasant home in Corsica) IS INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$18 - VG/G The Supplement (Peasant home in Corsica) IS INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$15 - VG/G The Supplement (Peasant home in Corsica) IS NOT INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$15 - VG/G The Supplement (Peasant home in Corsica) IS NOT INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$12 - G The Supplement (Peasant home in Corsica) IS NOT INCLUDED with this magazine.
National Geographic - August 1923, Vol. 44, No. 2
OUR HERITAGE OF THE FRESH FISHES: Biographies of the Most Widely Distributed of the Important Food and Game Fishes of the United States, by Charles Haskins Townsend, Director of the New York Aquarium; with 41 Illustrations including 16 Full-page Color Plates from Paintings by Hashime Murayama
HUNTING BIRDS WITH A CAMERA: A Record of Twenty Years of Adventure in Obtaining Photographs of Feathered Wild Life in America, by William L. Finley, Of the National Association of Audubon Societies; with 37 Illustrations from Photographs by H. T. Bohlman, Irene Finley, and the Author, and including 16 Full-page Photographic Essay titled, Successful Shots With A Friendly Camera
RUINS OF CUICUILCO MAY REVOLUTIONIZE OUR HISTORY OF ANCIENT AMERICA: Lofty Mound Sealed and Preserved by Great Lava Flow for Perhaps Seventy Centuries is Now Being Excavated in Mexico, by Byron Cummings, Professor of Archeology, University of Arizona; with 22 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 21 Photographs
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$8 - G/poor
National Geographic - July 1923, Vol. 44, No. 1
THROUGH THE BACK DOORS OF FRANCE: A Seven Weeks’ Voyage in a Canadian Canoe from St. Malo, Through Brittany and the Chateau Country, to Paris, by Melville Chater; with 40 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 39 Photographs
RURAL SCENES IN BRITTANY: 16 Full-page Illustrations in Duotone from Photographs
THE MYSTERIOUS PREHISTORIC MONUMENTS OF BRITTANY, by Charles Buxton Going; with 16 Illustrations from Photographs
A CRUISE AMONG DESERT ISLANDS (located off the west coast of Lower California, Mexico, the most interesting of which is Guadalupe), by G. Dallas Hanna and A. W. Anthony; with 29 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 28 Photographs
PUEBLO BONITO, THE ANCIENT: The National Geographic Society’s Third Expedition to the Southwest Seeks to Read in the Rings of Trees the Secret of the Age of Ruins, by Neil M. Judd, Leader of the National Geographic Society’s Pueblo Bonito Expeditions; with 10 Illustrations including: 1 Drawing; and, 9 Photographs
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$10 - G
Price:$10 - G
National Geographic - June 1923, Vol. 43, No. 6
THE TRANSFORMATION OF WASHINGTON: A Glance at the History and Along the Vista of the Future of the Nation’s Capital, by Charles Moore, Chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts; with 18 Illustrations including: 2 Map; and, 16 Photographs
THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL, by William Howard Taft, Chief Justice of the United States; with 5 Illustrations from Photographs
THE CAPITOL, WONDER BUILDING OF THE WORLD, by Gilbert Grosvenor, Editor of the National Geographic Magazine; with 17 Illustrations from Photographs
WASHINGTON, THE PRIDE OF THE NATION: 16 Full-Page Color Illustrations from Autochrome Photographs
THE SOURCES OF WASHINGTON’S CHARM, by J. R. Hildebrand; with 46 Illustrations from Photographs
Price:$18 - VG
Price:$18 - VG
Price:$18 - VG
Price:$18 - VG
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$10 - G
Price:$10 - G
National Geographic - May 1923, Vol. 43, No. 5
AT THE TOMB OF TUTANKHAMEN: An Account of the Opening of the Royal Egyptian Sepulcher Which Contained the Most Remarkable Funeral Treasures Unearthed in Historic Times, by Maynard Owen Williams, Staff Correspondent of the National Geographic Magazine; with 38 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 37 Photographs
EGYPT, PAST AND PRESENT: 16 Full-Page Illustrations in Duotone from Photographs
EAST OF CONSTANTINOPLE: Glimpses of Village Life in Anatolia, the Battleground of East and West, Where the Turks Recognized Their Forces After the World War, by Melville Chater; with 27 Illustrations including: 1 Map (referenced in all 3 magazine articles); and, 26 Photographs
A VISIT TO THREE ARAB KINGDOMS: Transjordania, Iraq, and the Hedjaz Present Many Problems to European Powers, by Junius B. Wood; with 30 Illustrations from Photographs
National Geographic - April 1923, Vol. 43, No. 4
MASSACHUSETTS AND ITS POSITION IN THE LIFE OF THE NATION, by Calvin Coolidge, Vice-President of the United States; with 9 Illustrations from Photographs
AMERICA’S AMAZING RAILWAY TRAFFIC, by William Joseph Showalter; with 47 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 46 Photographs
WESTERN VIEWS IN THE LAND OF THE BEST (United States of America): 16 Full-Page Illustrations in Color from Photographs of people and scenes in: California; Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado; Bryce Canyon, Utah; Zion National Park, Utah; Navajo drummer; and, Pumpkins at Harvest Time
MISSOURI, MOTHER OF THE WEST, by Frederick Simpich; with 33 Illustrations from Photographs
Price:$15 - VG - MAP OF THE UNITED STATES (torn) is INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$12 - VG/G - MAP OF THE UNITED STATES IS NOT INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$12 - VG/G - MAP OF THE UNITED STATES IS NOT INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$10 - G - MAP OF THE UNITED STATES IS NOT INCLUDED with this magazine.
National Geographic - March 1923, Vol. 43, No. 3
ALONG THE OLD SPANISH ROAD IN MEXICO: Life Among the People of Nayarit and Jalisco, Two of the Richest States of the Southern Republic, by Herbert Corey; with 37 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 36 Photographs
IN THE LAND OF THE MONTREZUMAS (Mexico): 16 Full-page Illustrations in Color from Photographs
HOLLAND’S WAR WITH THE SEA, by James Howard Gore; with 24 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 23 Photographs
IN THE LAND OF WINDMILLS AND WOODEN SHOES (Netherlands): 16 Full-page Duotone Illustrations from Photographs
THE WENDS OF THE SPREEWALD (Slavic Tribe in Germany), by Frederick Simpich; with 12 Illustrations from Photographs
Price:$20 - VG
Price:$20 - VG
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$10 - G
National Geographic - February 1923, Vol. 43, No. 2
A THOUSAND MILES ALONG THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA: The Mightiest Barrier Ever Built by Man Has Stood Guard Over the Land of Chin for Twenty Centuries, by Adam Warwick; with 30 Illustrations including: 2 Maps; and, 28 Photographs
THE BATTLE-LINE OF LANGUAGES IN WESTERN EUROPE: A Problem in Human Geography More Perplexing Than That of International Boundaries, by A. L. Guerard; with 36 Illustrations from Photographs
DAILY LIFE IN CALABRIA (Italy): 16 Illustrations in Duotone from Photographs
ENCIRCLING NAVAJO MOUNTAIN WITH A PACK-TRAIN: An Expedition to a Hitherto Untraversed Region of Our Southwest Discovers a New Route to Rainbow Natural Bridge (Arizona-Utah), by Charles L. Bernheimer; with 34 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 33 Photographs by the Author.
Price:$10 - G The China Wall Pictorial Supplement is NOT INCLUDED with this Magazine
Price:$5 - G/poor The China Wall Pictorial Supplement is NOT INCLUDED with this Magazine.
National Geographic - January 1923, Vol. 43, No. 1
THE ISLAND OF SARDINIA AND ITS PEOPLE: Traces of Many Civilizations to Be Found in the Speech, Customs, and Costumes of This Picturesque Land, by Prof. Guido Costa; with 81 Illustrations including: 2 Maps; and, 79 Photographs by Clifton Adams, Staff Photographer, National Geographic Magazine, among which there is a 16-page Color Photographic Essay described immediately below
SARDINIAN SMILES: 16 Full-page Illustrations of Color Plates from Photographs
VIENNA: A CAPITAL WITHOUT A NATION, by Solita Solano; with 27 Illustrations, among which there is an 8-page Photographic Essay by the same title as this article
THE MAGIC BEAUTY OF SNOW AND DEW, by Wilson A. Bentley; with 9 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$10 - G
Price:$10 - G
Price:$10 - G
National Geographic - December 1922, Vol. 42, No. 6
THE GLORY THAT WAS GREECE, by Alexander Wilbourne Weddell; with 52 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 51 Photographs
SAILING THE SEVEN SEAS IN THE INTEREST OF SCIENCE: Adventures Through 157,000 Miles of Storm and Calm, from Arctic to Antarctic and Around the World, in the Non-magnetic Yacht Carnegie, by J. P. Ault, Commander of the Carnegie; with 48 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 47 Photographs, including an 8 page Photographic Essay titled, Life in the Antarctic, which is listed immediately below
LIFE IN THE ANTARCTIC: 8 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs
Price:$15 - VG/G THE SOCIETY’S NEW MAP OF THE WORLD (article only) The December Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price:$10 - G THE SOCIETY’S NEW MAP OF THE WORLD (article only) The December Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price:$6 - poor/detached covers THE SOCIETY’S NEW MAP OF THE WORLD (article only) The December Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - November 1922, Vol. 42, No. 5
ADVENTURING DOWN THE WEST COAST OF MEXICO, by Herbert Corey; with 45 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 44 Photographs by Clifton Adams, Staff Photographer, National Geographic Magazine, and including 8 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs listed separately below
VIEWS FROM MEXICO: 8 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs, by Clifton Adams, Staff Photographer, National Geographic Magazine
LISBON, THE CITY OF THE FRIENDLY BAY (Portugal), by Clifford Albion Tinker; with 47 Illustrations including: 1 Map, and 46 Photographs, of which 16 are Full-page Color listed separately below
PORTUGAL, THE LAND OF HENRY THE NAVIGATOR: 16 Full-page Illustrations in Color from Photographs
A SKETCH OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF ASIA MINOR, by Sir William Ramsay, D. C. L., LL. D.; with 13 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 12 Photographs
Price:$15 -VG/G
Price:$15 -VG/G
Price:$15 -VG/G
Price:$10 - G
Price:$10 - G
Price:$10 - G
National Geographic - October 1922, Vol. 42, No. 4
TRANSPORTING A NAVY THROUGH THE JUNGLES OF AFRICA IN WAR TIME, by Frank J. Magee, R. N. V. R.; with 31 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author
PEOPLE AND PLACES OF NORTHERN AFRICA: 16 Full-page Engravings from Photographs of people and scenes related to: Libya; Algiers, Algeria; Sahara; Ouled Nails; Egypt; Abyssinia; and, Sudan.
ALONG THE NILE, THROUGH EGYPT AND THE SUDAN, by Frederick Simpich; with 29 Illustrations from Photographs
THE LAND OF THE FREE IN AFRICA, by Harry A. McBride; with 22 Illustrations from Photographs
AFRICAN SCENES FROM THE EQUATOR TO THE CAPE: 16 Full-page Engravings from Photographs of people and scenes related to: Rhodesia; Angola; Kenya; Mt. Stanley, Equatorial Africa; Ruwenzori; Victoria Falls; Rhodesia; Southwest Coast; Cape of Good Hope; Cape Town; and, Sulu South Africa.
VG/G Map of Africa and Adjoining portions of Europe and Asia IS included. Price: $25.00
National Geographic - September 1922, Vol. 42, No. 3
A LONGITUDINAL JOURNEY THROUGH CHILE, by Harriet Chalmers Adams; with 61 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 60 Photographs
SOME ASPECTS OF RURAL JAPAN, by Walter Weston; with 12 Illustrations from Photographs
THE PICTURESQUE SIDE OF JAPANESE LIFE: 16 Illustrations in Full Color from Photographs
ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL (Memorial and Illustration from Photograph): 1847-1922; Scientist, Patriot, Educator
MAP-CHANGING MEDICINE, by William Joseph Showalter; with 26 Illustrations from Photographs
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
National Geographic - August 1922, Vol. 42, No. 2
DENMARK AND THE DANES, by Maurice Francis Egan, Litt. D.; with 39 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 38 Photographs
THE FIGHT AT THE TIMBER-LINE, by John Oliver La Gorce; with 32 Illustrations from Photographs including 16 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs of Beautiful Mountain Scenes from around the World
VIEWS OF THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL: Eight Full-page Engravings from Photographs
THE ARCTIC AS AN AIR ROUTE OF THE FUTURE, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson; with 9 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and 8 Photographs.
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$7 - poor/covers detached
National Geographic - July 1922, Vol. 42, No. 1
CARMARGUE, THE COWBOY COUNTRY OF SOUTHERN FRANCE, by Dr. Andre Vialles; with 34 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 33 Photographs by Clifton Adams, Staff Photographer, National Geographic Magazine
MIDSUMMER WILD FLOWERS, with 38 Species Illustrated in Full Color on 16 Plates from Paintings by Mary E. Eaton
CATHEDRALS OF THE OLD AND NEW WORLD, with 50 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$13 - VG/G
Price:$13 - VG/G
Price:$13 - VG/G
Price:$13 - VG/G
National Geographic - June 1922, Vol. 41, No. 6
THE FAR EASTERN REPUBLIC (Republic of Russia carved from Siberia, north of, and adjacent to Mongolia), by Junius B. Wood; with 30 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 29 Photographs by the Author
THE SPLENDOR OF ROME, by Florence Craig Albrecht; with 28 Illustrations from Photographs
CAPRI, THE ISLAND RETREAT OF ROMAN EMPERORS: 12 Full-page Special Engravings from Photographs
A MEMORIAL TO PEARY: The National Geographic Society Dedicates Monument in Arlington National Cemetery to Discoverer of the North Pole, with 4 Illustrations from Photographs
CONSTANTINOPLE TODAY, by Solita Solano; with 41 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 40 Photographs
Price:$18 - VG/G
Price:$10 - G
National Geographic - May 1922, Vol. 41, No. 5
WHERE THE MOUNTAINS WALKED: An Account of the Recent Earthquake in Kansu Province, China, Which Destroyed 100,000 Lives, by Upton Close and Elsie McCormick; with 24 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 23 Photographs by the Hayes-Hall Kansu Earthquake Relief Expedition
IN THE LAND OF KUBLAI KHAN (Mongolia and China): 16 Illustrations in Full Color, Autochromes by Stephane Passet
THROUGH THE HEART OF ENGLAND IN A CANADIAN CANOE, by R. J. Evans; with 27 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 26 Photographs
THE FIRST ALASKAN AIR EXPEDITION, by Captain St. Clair Streett, U. S. A. S., Flight Commander; with 38 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 37 Photographs
THE WORLD VIEWED FROM THE AIR: 16 Full-page Special Engravings from Photographs of scenes from: New York; Washington, DC; London; Stonehenge; Paris; France; Gibraltar; Mexico Volcano; Samarra, Iraq; Mont Blanc; Swiss Alps; Italy; and, Alaska
THE STORY OF THE RUHR (Germany), by Frederick Simpich; with 12 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 11 Photographs
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$10 - G
National Geographic - April 1922, Vol. 41, No. 4
VISCOUNT BRYCE’S LAST ARTICLE ON THE UNITED STATES: THE SCENERY OF NORTH AMERICA, by James Bryce (Viscount Bryce); with 45 Illustrations from Photographs, Including 16 Full-page Special Engravings
MODERN SCENES IN MESOPOTAMIA (IRAQ): THE CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION, with 16 Full-page Illustrations in Full Color from Photographs by Eric Keast Burke
SOUTH GEORGIA, AN OUTPOST OF THE ANTARCTIC, by Robert Cushman Murphy; with 43 Illustrations including: 2 Maps; and, 41 Photographs by the Author
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$13 - VG/G
Price:$13 - VG/G
Price:$13 - VG/G
National Geographic - March 1922, Vol. 41, No. 3
PREHISTORIC TELEPHONE DAYS, by Alexander Graham Bell; with 17 Illustrations from Photographs
HUNTING THE CHAULMOOGRA TREE (Oil Tree from Burma), by Joseph. F. Rock; with 40 Illustrations including: 1 Map; and, 39 Photographs (Summary: The author, an agricultural explorer, goes in search of an indigenous Burmese tree that yields an oil that may provide a cure for leprosy, and hopes to learn whether the species can be grown in Hawaii. Related Subjects: Bangkok, Thailand; Burma; Chaulmoogra oil; Chiengmai, Thailand; Diseases; Hansen's disease; Medicine and health; Thailand)
AMID THE SNOWS OF SWITZERLAND: 16 Full-Page Engravings from Photographs of scenes from Switzerland
AMONG THE HILL TRIBES OF BURMA: AN ETHNOLOGICAL THICKET, by Sir George Scott, L. C. I. E.; with 22 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author
THE PUEBLO BONITO EXPEDITION OF THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, by Neil M. Judd, Leader of the National Geographic Society’s Expeditions of 1921 and 1922; with 11 Illustrations including: 1 Drawing, and 10 Photographs
FIGHTING INSECTS WITH AIRPLANES: An Account of the Successful Use of the Flying-Machine in Dusting Tall Trees Infested with Leaf-Eating Caterpillars, by C. R. Neillie and J. S. Houser; with 6 Illustrations from Photographs
Price:$14 - VG/G
Price:$14 - VG/G
Price:$10 - G
Price:$8 - G/Poor
National Geographic - February 1922, Vol. 41, No. 2
THE FOREMOST INTELLECTUAL ACHIEVEMENT OF ANCIENT AMERICA: The Hieroglyphic Inscriptions on the Monuments in the Ruined Cities of Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras are Yielding the Secrets of the Maya Civilization, by Sylvanus Griswold Morley, Carnegie Institution of Washington; with 27 Illustrations including 15 from Photographs and 12 from drawings
THE JUNGLES OF PANAMA, by David Fairchild; with 14 Illustrations from Photographs
THE HAUNTS OF THE CARIBBEAN CORSAIRS: The West Indies a Geographic Background for the Most Adventurous Episodes in the History of the Western Hemisphere, by Nell Ray Clarke; with 27 Illustrations from Photographs
ON THE SHORES OF THE CARIBBEAN: 16 Full-page Engravings from Photographs of scenes from: Barbados; Jamaica; Virgin Islands; Porto Rico (Puerto Rico); Chichén Itza, Mexico; Guatemala; Trinidad; Martinique; and, Cuba
VOLCANO-GIRDED SALVADOR: A Prosperous Central American State with the Densest Rural Population in the Western World, by Harriet Chalmers Adams; with 10 Illustrations from Photographs
COSTA RICA, LAND OF THE BANANA, by Paul B. Popenoe; with 17 Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$ 25 - VG/G Map Supplement The Countries of the Caribbean IS INCLUDED.
Price:$ 20 - G Map Supplement The Countries of the Caribbean IS INCLUDED.
Price:$ 20 - G Map Supplement The Countries of the Caribbean IS INCLUDED.
Price:$6 - G/Poor. No Map
Price:$5 - G/Poor. front cover torn No Map
National Geographic - January 1922, Vol. 41, No. 1
THE ISLANDS OF BERMUDA: A British Colony with a Unique Record in Popular Government, by William Howard Taft; with 15 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 14 Photographs
CERTAIN CITIZENS OF THE WARM SEA (Atlantic Ocean’s Gulf Stream Fishes off the Florida Coast), by Louis L. Mowbray, Director, Miami Aquarium and Biological Laboratory; with 34 Illustrations including: 16 Full-page Color Plates from Paintings by Hashime Murayama; and, 18 Photographs
THE LAND OF THE BASQUES: Home of a Thrifty, Picturesque People, Who Take Pride in the Sobriquet, The Yankees of Spain, by Harry A. McBride; with 26 Illustrations including: 1 Map, and 25 from Photographs
THE GEOGRAPHY OF OUR FOREIGN TRADE, by Frederick Simpich; with 25 Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$5 - G/Poor. front cover torn
National Geographic - December 1921, Vol. 40, No. 6
THE ISLANDS OF THE PACIFIC, by J. P. Thomson, C. B. E., L.L. D.; with 15 Illustrations from Photographs
NAURU, THE RICHEST ISLAND IN THE SOUTH SEAS, by Rosamond Dobson Rhone; with 24 Illustrations from Photographs
YAP AND OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDS UNDER JAPANESE MANDATE, by Junius B. Wood; with 35 Illustrations from Photographs Taken by the Author in the Sprint of 1921
THE MYSTERY OF EASTER ISLAND, by Mrs. Scoresby Routledge; with 15 Illustrations including 1 Map, 1 Chart Diagram, and 13 Photographs by Members of the Author’s Expedition
OUR MAP OF THE PACIFIC, with 1 Map Illustration.
Price:$22 - VG/G The December Map Supplement (The Islands of the Pacific) is INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$22 - VG/G The December Map Supplement (The Islands of the Pacific) is INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$22 - VG/G The December Map Supplement (The Islands of the Pacific) is INCLUDED with this magazine.
Price:$18 - G The December Map Supplement (The Islands of the Pacific) IS INCLUDED with this magazine
Price:$18 - G The December Map Supplement (The Islands of the Pacific) IS INCLUDED with this magazine
National Geographic - November 1921, Vol. 40, No. 5
THROUGH THE HEART OF HINDUSTAN: A Teeming Highway Extending for Fifteen Hundred Miles, from the Khyber Pass to Calcutta, by Maynard Owen Williams; with 29 Illustrations from Photographs
THE MARBLE DAMS OF RAJPUTANA (India), by Eleanor Maddock; with 13 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author and by courtesy of Prince Bhopal Singh
THE EMPIRE OF ROMANCE: INDIA: Photographic Essay of 16 Full-page Illustrations in Color
OUTWITTING THE WATER DEMONS OF KASHMIR, by Maurice Pratt Dunlap; with 9 Illustrations from Photographs from the Author
A PILGRIMAGE TO AMERNATH, HIMALAYAN SHRINE OF THE HINDU FAITH, by Louise Ahl Jessop; with 29 Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$13 - VG/G
Price:$13 - VG/G
Price:$10 - G
National Geographic - October 1921, Vol. 40, No. 4
OVER TRAIL AND THROUGH JUNGLE IN ECUADOR: Indian Head-Hunters of the Interior an Interesting Study in the South American Republic, by H. E. Anthony; with 28 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author
OVER THE ANDES TO BOGOTA (Columbia), by Frank M. Chapman; with 19 Illustrations from Photographs
SCENES IN SOUTH AMERICA: Photo Essay of 16 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs
BUENOS AIRES AND ITS RIVER OF SILVER (Argentina): A Journey Up the Parana and Paraguay to the Chaco Cattle Country, by William R. Barbour; with 38 Illustrations from Photographs.
Price:$17 - VG (THE SOCIETY’S NEW MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA supplement IS NOT included)
Price:$15 - VG/G (Map supplement IS NOT included)
Price:$15 - VG/G (Map supplement IS NOT included)
Price:$15 - VG/G (Map supplement IS NOT included)
Price:$15 - VG/G (Map supplement IS NOT included)
Price:$13 - G (Map supplement IS NOT included)
National Geographic - September 1921, Vol. 40, No. 3
SIXTEEN ILLUSTRATIONS IN FULL COLOR: Our Greatest National Monument: Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (Katmai, Alaska)
OUR GREATEST NATIONAL MONUMENT: The National Geographic Society Completes Its Explorations in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (Katmai, Alaska AK), by Robert F. Griggs, Director of the Katmai Expeditions of the National Geographic Society; 75 pages, with 91 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 90 Illustrations from Photographs including 16 Pages in Full Color
LIFE AMONG THE PEOPLE OF EASTERN TIBET, by Dr. A. L. Shelton; with 36 Illustrations including 1 Map and 35 from Photographs.
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$12 - VG/G
National Geographic - August 1921, Vol. 40, No. 2
THE WILD LIFE OF LAKE SUPERIOR, PAST AND PRESENT: The Habits of Deer, Moose, Wolves, Beavers, Muskrats, Trout, and Feathered Wood-Folk Studied with Camera and Flashlight, by George Shiras, 3rd; with 75 Illustrations including 1 Map Illustrations and 74 Photographs
PROTECTING THE UNITED STATES FROM PLANT PESTS, by Charles Lester Marlatt, Chairman, Federal Horticultural Bureau, U. S. Department of Agriculture; with 16 Illustrations from Photographs from the U. S. Department of Agriculture.
Price:$15 - VG/G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement is included with this magazine.
Price:$15 - VG/G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement is included with this magazine.
Price:$15 - VG/G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement is included with this magazine
Price:$15 - VG/G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement is included with this magazine
Price:$15 - VG/G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement is included with this magazine
Price:$15 - VG/G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement is included with this magazine
Price:$12 - G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine
Price:$12 - G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement is NOT included with this magazine
National Geographic - July 1921, Vol. 40, No. 1
LIFE ON THE GRAND BANKS: An Account of the Sailor-Fishermen Who Harvest the Shoal Waters of North America’s Eastern Coasts, by Frederick William Wallace: with 29 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author
SCENES FROM FRANCE Photo Essay: 16 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs
THE GEOGRAPHY OF JAPAN: With Special Reference to Its Influence of the Character of the Japanese People, by Walter Weston; with 39 Illustrations from Photographs including 16 Pages in Full-pages of Japanese Scenes in Color
ADVENTURES WITH A CAMERA IN MANY LANDS (Western & Central Europe; Egypt; Palestine; Ceylon; India; Baluchistan; and, Burma), by Maynard Owen Williams; with 24 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author.
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$10 - G
National Geographic - June 1921, Vol. 39, No. 6
SPECIAL ISSUE Familiar Grasses and Their Flowers. The U.S.
FLOWERS OF GRASSES IN COLOR (8 Full-page Illustrations)
ACROSS THE EQUATOR WITH THE AMERICAN NAVY, by Herbert Corey; with 53 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author, and by: Edwin Levick; Burnell Poole; U. S. Navy; Publisher’s Photo Service; Earle Harrison; H. G. Cornthwaite; U. S. Navy Air Service; Underwood & Underwood; Publishers’ Photo Service; and, Ernest T. Fauroat;
FAMILIAR GRASSES AND THEIR FLOWERS, by E. J. Geske and W. J. Showalter; with 8 Full-page Illustrations in Color from Paintings by E. J. Geske
A NEW NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY EXPEDITION: Ruins of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Nature-Made Treasure-Chest of Aboriginal American History, to be Excavated and Studied; Work Begins This Month, with 7 Illustrations from Photographs by Charles Martin, of the National Geographic Society Reconnaissance Party of 1920
THE GRAND CANYON BRIDGE, by Harriet Chalmers Adams; with 6 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author, and by Kolb Brothers;
SCENES FROM AMERICA’S SOUTHWEST Photo Essay by Charles Martin, and Frederick I. Monsen: 14 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs of: Hopi Children, Arizona; Cliff Palace: Mesa Verde, Colorado; Canyon de Chelly, northwestern New Mexico; Hopi Boys of Walpi, Arizona; Hopi Potters of Arizona; El Rito de les Frijoles (Little Canyon of the Beans); Canyon de Chelly Monument, Arizona; Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico; Canyon del Muerto, branch of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona; Walpi, Arizona evening; Painted Desert, Arizona; Girl of Araibi, Hopi; Hopi Girls, Arizona; and, An Old War Captain of Laguna Pueblo, New Mexico.
Price:$35 - VG
Price:$ - VG/G
Price:$10 - G/Poor
National Geographic - May 1921, Vol. 39, No. 5
WESTERN SIBERIA AND THE ALTAI MOUNTAINS: With Some Speculations on the Future of Siberia, by Viscount James Bryce; with 39 Illustrations from Photographs by: Underwood & Underwood; Department of Commerce; C. S. Stilwell; Horace Brodzky; Ella R. Christie; W. W. Cutler, Jr.; D. A. Foster; Maynard Owen Williams; Graham Romeyn Taylor; and, Hugh A. Moran;
THE PEOPLE OF THE WILDERNESS: The Mongols, Once the Terror of All Christendom, Now a Primitive, Harmless Nomad Race, by Adam Warwick; with 59 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author, and by: Eugene Lee Stewart; John B. Rogers; Graham Romeyn Taylor; Horace Brodsky; Luther Anderson; Ethan C. Le Munyon; Douglas Carruthers;
THE NEW MAP OF ASIA; with 17 Illustrations from Photographs including 16 Full-page Photographs of: Ceylon; Korea; Hokhara Khan; China; French Indo-China; Lamas of Sikkim; India; Kashmir; Tibet; Baghdad; Nepal; Burma; Philippines; and Annam. Photographs by: Plate, Ltd.; Maynard Owen Williams; C. H. Kragh; M. Branger and Sons; John Claude White; Raja Deen Dayal and Sons; Vittorio Sella; Eric Keast Burke; Underwood & Underwood; Dr. Edward Burton MacDowell; Charles Martin; M. Branger and Sons; and, Eugene Lee Stewart.
Price:$30 - VG The May Map Supplement (The New Asia) IS included with this this magazine.
Price:$25 - VG/G The May Map Supplement (The New Asia) IS included with this this magazine.
Price:$25 - VG/G The May Map Supplement (The New Asia) IS included with this this magazine.
Price:$10 - G The May Map Supplement (The New Asia) is NOT included with this this magazine.
Price:$10 - G The May Map Supplement (The New Asia) is NOT included with this this magazine.
National Geographic - April 1921, Vol. 39, No. 4
MODERN PERSIA AND ITS CAPITAL: And an Account of an Ascent of Mount Demavend, the Persian Olympus, by F. L. Bird, American college instructor in Teheran; with 47 Illustrations from Photographs by: Roland Gorbold; John B. Jackson; E. K. De Witt; Faye Fisher; J. W. Cook; F. L. Bird; Lt.-Col. Alfred Heinicke; and, Roland Gorbold
SIXTEEN PAGES OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN FULL COLOR: PERSIAN CARAVAN SKETCHES: 16 Full-page Color Plates from Colored Photographs by: Harold F. Weston; and, Alfred Heinicke
PERSIAN CARAVAN SKETCHES: The Land of the Lion and the Sun as Seen on a Summer Caravan Trip, by Harold F. Weston, Author and Artist; with 63 Illustrations including 1 Map, 16 Full-Page Color Plates (listed above), and 46 Photographs by the Author, and by: H. D. Baker; Fritz Morris; Lt.-Col. Alfred Heinicke; A. N. Mirzaoff; Faye Fisher; F. E. Murray; and, Roland Woods;
Price:$10 - VG/G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
National Geographic - March 1921, Vol. 39, No. 3
CEYLON AND INDIA IN FULL COLORS (8 Full-page Color Illustrations from Photographs)
FROM LONDON TO AUSTRALIA BY AEROPLANE: A Personal Narrative of the First Aerial Voyage Half Around the World, by Sir Ross Smith, K. B. E.; with 85 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 84 Photographs by the Author, and by: Aerofilms, Limited; Underwood & Underwood; Earle Harrison; Press Illustrating Service; Kadel and Herbert; H. N. Hampton; S. P. Stambach; Frederick Simpich; Donald McLeish; Captain Frank Hurley; British Air Ministry; John Clark Archer; and, Boston Photo News Co.; Chas. J. Glidden; Dr. Alexander Graham Bell; E. B. McDowell; Theodore Macklin; Albert L. Godoy; F. O. Koch; Felix J. Koch; Henry Ruschin; Captain Frank Hurley; Walter Burke; F. Birtles; W. K. Harris; and, Janet M. Cummings
CEYLON AND INDIA IN FULL COLOR: 8 Full-page Color Illustrations from Autochromes by Helen Messinger Murdoch
AMERICA IN THE AIR: The Future of Airplane and Airship, Economically and as Factors in National Defense, by Brigadier-General William Mitchell, Assistant Chief of Air Service, Formerly Commanding Aviation, First Corps, First Army, and Group of Armies, A. E. F.; with 10 Illustrations from Photographs by: U. S. Army Air Service; Eastman Kodak Company; and, John Oliver La Gorce.
Price:$14 - VG
Price:$11 - VG/G
Price:$11 - VG/G
Price:$11 - VG/G
Price:$7 - poor
National Geographic - February 1921, Vol. 39, No. 2
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: KEY-LAND TO CENTRAL EUROPE, by Maynard Owen Williams; with 46 Illustrations including 1 Map and 45 Photographs from the Author, and from: Rudo Bruner-Dvorak; Dr. V. Sixta and Son; and, J. F. Langhans
THE NEW MAP OF EUROPE: Showing the Boundaries Established by the Peace Conference at Paris and by Subsequent Decisions of the Supreme Council of the Allied and Associated Powers, by Ralph A. Graves; with 18 Illustrations from Photographs by A. Frankl; Nevin O. Winter; Frederick Simpich; Lewis W. Hine; D. W. Iddings; and, International Film Service
THE WHIRLPOOL OF THE BALKANS, by George Higgins Moses; with 15 Illustrations from Photographs by: Herbert Corey; Katrice Nicolson; Mortimer J. Fox; D. W. Iddings; Frederick Moore; Hester Donaldson Jenkins; and, H. G. Dwight;
THE ORKNEYS AND SHETLANDS: A MYSTERIOUS GROUP OF ISLANDS, by Charles S. Olcott; with 33 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author, and by Thomas Kent.
Price:$25 - VG/G The February Map Supplement "The New Europe" IS included.
Price:$18 - G The February Map Supplement "The New Europe" IS included.
Price:$6 - G/Poor Map Supplement "The New Europe" IS NOT included.
National Geographic - January 1921, Vol. 39, No. 1
THE DREAM SHIP: The Story of a Voyage of Adventure More Than Half Around the World in a 47-foot Lifeboat, by Ralph Stock; with 44 Illustrations including 1 Map and 43 Photographs from the Author, and from: J. Perestrello; J. Harold Stieg; American Photo Company; H. G. Cornthwaite; Earle Harrison; Hugh M. Smith; L. Gauthier; and, Charles J. Glidden;
TREASURE-HOUSE OF THE GULF STREAM: The Completion and Opening of the New Aquarium and Biological Laboratory at Miami, Florida, by John Oliver La Gorce; with 5 Illustrations from Photographs including from: Walter A. RuKeyser; and, Dr. W. H. Longley, among unknown others
SIXTEEN COLOR PLATES OF WARM-SEA FISHES from Paintings by HASHIME MURAYAMA, including such fishes as: The Squirrel Fish or Saldato; The Pork Fish; Angel-Fish; Spade Fish; The Four-Eyed Fish & Butterfly Fish; The Green Moray; The Portuguese Man-of-War; The Sea Horse; The Queen Trigger-Fish; Cuckold, Buffalo Trunkfish, and Cowfish; The Rock Hind; The Shark Sucker; The Yellow Tail; The Blue Striped Grunt; The Sergeant Major or Cow Pilot; and, The Rainbow Parrot-Fish
INTERESTING CITIZENS OF THE GULF STREAM, by Dr. John T. Nichols, Curator of Recent Fishes; with 13 Illustrations from Photographs by: John Oliver La Gorce; Herbert R. Duckwald; Walter A. RuKeyser; Thomas Roarty Shipp; L. L. Mowbray; Dr. W. H. Longley; and, James A. Allison
EVERY-DAY LIFE IN AFGHANISTAN, by Frederick Simpich and Haji Mirza Hussein; with 27 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 26 Photographs from the Authors, and from: Dr. W. E. Grubl; P. O. Crawford; Air Commondore L. E. O. Charlton; W. D. Holmes; and, Maynard Owen Williams.
Price:$25 - VG/G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement "Argosy of Geography" IS included with this magazine.
Price:$25 - VG/G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement "Argosy of Geography" IS included with this magazine.
Price:$17 - VG/G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement "Argosy of Geography" is NOT included with this magazine.
Price:$15 - G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement "Argosy of Geography" is NOT included with this magazine.
Price:$15 - G The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement "Argosy of Geography" is NOT included with this magazine.
Price:$10 - G/poor. front cover detached. The Frontispiece Pictorial Supplement "Argosy of Geography" is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - December 1920, Vol. 38, No. 6
FALCONRY, THE SPORT OF KINGS: Once the Means of Supplying Man’s Necessities, It Has Survived the Centuries as One of the Most Romantic Pastimes of History, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes; with 23 Illustrations from Drawings and Photographs by the Author, among which 12 Pages in Color from Paintings by the Author
AMERICAN BIRDS OF PREY: A REVIEW OF THEIR VALUE, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes; with 6 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author, and, Howard H. Cleaves
A LITTLE-KNOWN MARVEL OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE: Christophe’s Citadel, a Monument to the Tyranny and Genius of Haiti’s King of Slaves, by Major G. H. Osterhout, Jr., U. S. M. C.; with 13 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author
HAITI, THE HOME OF TWIN REPUBLICS, by Sir Harry Johnston; with 12 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 11 Photographs by: U. S. Marine Corps; Frederick I. Monsen; Mrs. C. R. Miller; and, J. H. Hare;
HAITI AND ITS REGENERATION BY THE UNITED STATES, by unknown author; with 10 Illustrations from Photographs by U. S. Marine Corps;
GLIMPSES OF SIBERIA, THE RUSSIAN WILD EAST, by Cody Marsh, Ex-Captain A. R. C. with the A. E. F. in Siberia; with 26 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author, and by: Garner Curran; Kadel & Herbert; Horace Brodsky; Major General A. W. Greely; and, Maynard Owen Williams. Included in the Collection of Falconry Illustrations are the following 16 Full-page Plates:
Falcons Weathering (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
Gerfalcon Striking Heron (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
Tiercel Gentle: A Hit on Grouse (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
Goshawks: An Adult Tiercel (Male) and a Young Female (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
Goshawk Striking Pheasant (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
Hawking in the Caucasus (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
A Hawking Party in Elizabethan England (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
The Start: Arabs Setting Out with Falcons to Course Gazelles (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
Hunting the Bustard With Falcons in Northern Africa (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
A Sparrowhark Making a Try For a Blackbird (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes)
An Algerian Falconer: Biskra, North Africa (Black and White Photograph)
Three Cast of Falcons, On the Cadge, Hooded and Ready for a Journey (Black and White Photograph)
Trapping Falcons at Valkenswarde, Holland (Black and White Photograph)
Top Photo: A Cast of Falcons on the Wrist: Holland (upper half page of plate - Black and White Photograph) Bottom Photo: Falconer Taking Haggard Peregrine From the Bow-Net, Lured Thither by the Bait Pigeon (lower half page of plate - Black and White Photograph)
Hawks That Are The Friends of Man (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes: Chart showing 12 hawks)
Only Four Members of the Hawk Family Are Our Enemies (Color Illustration of Painting by Fuertes: Chart showing 13 hawks).
Price:$25 - VG
Price:$20 - VG/G
Price:$15 - G
Price:$15 - G
Price:$8 - G/poor. covers loose
National Geographic - November 1920, Vol. 38, No. 5
SIXTEEN PAGES IN COLOR (The Eden of the Flowery Republic: China)
PEKING, THE CITY OF THE UNEXPECTED, by James Arthur Muller; with 18 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author and, by: Underwood & Underwood; W. F. Robertson; Alexander Stewart; Dorothy D. Andrews; Prof. David M. Robinson; Edgar K. Frank; and, Maynard Owen Williams
THE EDEN OF THE FLOWERY REPUBLIC (China), by Dr. Joseph Beech; with 34 Illustrations from Photographs including 16 pages in Full Color by the Author, and by: Robert F. Fitch; Maynard Owen Williams; R. A. McCurdy; C. A. Jones; Mrs. H. P. Kimball; E. H. Wilson; E. T. Shields; S. R. Vinton;
THE WORLD’S ANCIENT PORCELAIN CENTER, by Frank B. Lenz; with 17 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author
THE MAN IN THE STREET IN CHINA: Some Characteristics of the Greatest Undeveloped Market in the World of Today, by Guy Magee, Jr.; with 15 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author, and International Film Service.
SHIFTING SCENES ON THE STAGE OF NEW CHINA, by unknown author; with 4 Illustrations from Photographs by: J. A. Muller; Robert F. Fitch; and, International Film Service.
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
National Geographic - October 1920, Vol. 38, No. 4
SIXTEEN DUOTONE ENGRAVINGS (Human Emotions Recorded by Photography)
NEPAL: A LITTLE-KNOWN KINGDOM, by John Claude White; with 33 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 32 Photographs by the Author
HUMAN EMOTION RECORDED BY PHOTOGRAPHY, by Ralph A. Graves; with 16 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs by: Lewis W. Hine; G. Heurlin; Central News; Underwood & Underwood; Belle Johnson; Harry F. Blanchard; R. R. Sallows; U. S. Signal Corps; U. S. Bureau of Mines; Ansel F. Hall; C. A. Slade; John Oliver La Gorce; and Charlotte Fairchild
TAHITI: A PLAYGROUND OF NATURE, by Paul Gooding; with 17 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 16 Photographs by: L. Gauthier; and, Dr. Theodore P. Cleveland;
THE MAKING OF A JAPANESE NEWSPAPER, by Dr. Thomas E. Green; with 5 Illustrations from Photographs from Photographs by: J. A. Muller; Robert F. Fitch; and, International Film Service.
Price: SOLD
National Geographic - September 1920, Vol. 38, No. 3
RIO DE JANEIRO, IN THE LAND OF LURE (Brazil), by Harriet Chalmers Adams; with 40 Illustrations including 1 Map and 39 Photographs by the Author, Carlos Bippus, A. Ribeiro and, Franklin Adams;
THE NIAGARAS OF FIVE CONTINENTS (Photographic Essay of DUOTONE ENGRAVINGS): 16 Full-page Illustrations from Photographs by: Gardiner F. Williams; Ernest Fox; L. Melano Rossi; Rev. W. P. Dodson; Ernest L. Harris; H. M. Fillebrown; Gabriel Moulin; Bourne and Shepherd; A. Schlechten; E. L. Crandall; Gebr Wehril; R. C. W. Lett; Henry E. Crampton; Pillsbury Picture Company; A. B. Wilse; and, C. E. Bisbee
KAIETEUR AND RORAIMA: The Great Falls and the Great Mountain of the Guianas (British Guiana), by Henry Edward Crampton, Ph. D.; with 13 Illustrations including 1 Map and 12 Photographs by the Author
Price:$14 - VG
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$11 - Tear on page one. Abrasion on the back cover.
Price:$5 - poor. Covers missing
National Geographic - August 1920, Vol. 38, No. 2
ANTIOCH THE GLORIOUS (Modern-day Antakya in Turkey), by William H. Hall; with 21 Illustrations including 1 Map and 20 Photographs by: American Colony, Jerusalem; Maynard Owen Williams; William H. Hall; Keystone View Company; Charles E. Beury; Stephen Van R. Trowbridge; Ellsworth Huntington; and Paul Thompson
THE ORIGIN OF AMERICAN STATE NAMES, by Frederick W. Lawrence; with 34 Illustrations from Photographs by: U. S. Air Service; Kenneth D. Smith; William H. Rau; Eugene S. Jones; Walter H. Crockett; U. S. Navy; Photo Craft Shop; N. H. Darton; Detroit Publishing Company; Barnhill; Curtis & Miller; Putnam & Valentine; Peter Henderson & Co.; Utah Materials Company; the Phelps Studio; Publisher’s Photo Service, Inc.; Moser & Son; the Chicago Architectural Photo Company; L. P. Gallagher; George E. Hall; U. S. Forest Service; Frederick I. Monsen; and, George R. King.
THE CHANNEL ISLANDS: Bits of France Picked Up by England, Whose History is Linked with That of America, by Edith Carey; with 25 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 24 Photographs by the Author and, E. F. Guiton; Photochrom Co., Ltd., London; Alfred Dobree; Mrs. F. Clarke; Tynan Brothers; and, G. A. Piquet;
Price:$20 - VG
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$9 - G
Price:$9 - G
Price:$9 - G
Price:$7 - The lower right corners of the last 12 pages torn away. However, all of the advertisements and reading are still there.
National Geographic - July 1920, Vol. 38, No. 1
CUBA: THE SUGAR BILL OF THE ANTILLES, by William Joseph Showalter; with 25 Illustrations including 1 Map and 24 Photographs from: American Photograph Company; Underwood and Underwood; Walter RuKeyser; International Film Service; J. Harold Stieg; International Film Company; American Photograph Company; Edith S. Watson; F. W. B. Hogge;
THE CHARM OF CAPE BRETON ISLAND: The Most Picturesque Portion of Canada’s Maritime Provinces: A Land Rich in Historic Associations, Natural Resources, and Geographic Appeal, by Catherine Dunlop Mackenzie; with 23 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 22 Photographs by Gilbert Grosvenor (Summary: This romantic island of northeastern Nova Scotia features fine scenery, history, fishing, and yachting. Related Subjects: Baddeck, Nova Scotia, Canada; Bell, Alexander Graham; Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada; Kites; Nova Scotia, Canada.)
ALONG OUR SIDE OF THE MEXICAN BORDER, by Frederick Simpich, Formerly American Consul at Nogales, Mexico; with 10 Illustrations including 1 Map, and 9 Photographs by Harry A. Lawton; International Film Service; Frank H. Probert; Underwood & Underwood; and, E. W. Nelson;
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$15 - VG
Price:$12 - VG/G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
National Geographic - June 1920, Vol. 37, No. 6
OUR NATIONAL PARKS ILLUSTRATED IN COLOR: (8 Full-page Color Illustrations from Photographs: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado; Mount Rainier National Park, Washington; Yosemite National Park, California; Crater Lake National Park, Oregon; Snoqualmie Falls, Washington; and, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona-Utah)
A Mind’s-Eye Map of America, with 33 Illustrations, by Franklin K. Lane
Saving the Redwoods, with 10 Illustrations, by Madison Grant
Peru’s Wealth-Producing Birds: Vast Riches in the Guano Deposits of Cormorants, Pelicans, and Petrels which Nest on Her Barren, Rainless Coast, with 28 Illustrations by R. E. Coker
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$15 - VG/G
Price:$11 - G
Price:$11 - G
Price:$11 - G
National Geographic - May 1920, Vol. 37, No. 5
Common Mushrooms of the United States
SIXTEEN PAGES IN COLOR (Paintings of Mushrooms by Louis C. C. Krieger)
COMMON MUSHROOMS OF THE UNITED STATES, by Louis C. C. Krieger, who is associated with Dr. Howard A. Kelly, of Baltimore; with 53 Illustrations from the Author including 1 Sketch, 36 Photographs, and Sixteen Full-page Illustrations from Paintings of Mushrooms in Color
HURDLE RACING IN CANOES: A Thrilling and Spectacular Sport Among the Maoris of New Zealand, by Walter Burke; with 6 Illustrations from Photographs from the Author
MALTA: THE HALTING PLACE OF NATIONS: First Account of Remarkable Prehistoric Tombs and Temples Recently Unearthed on the Island, by William Arthur Griffiths; with 35 Illustrations from Photographs by courtesy of R. Ellis and Lieutenant Tickle
Price: $45.00 - VG
Price: $35.00 - VG/G
Price: $35.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - April 1920, Vol. 37, No. 4
PEARY AS A LEADER: Incidents from the Life of the Discoverer of the North Pole Told by One of His Lieutenants on the Expedition Which Reached the Goal, by Donald B MacMillan; with 21 Illustrations including 1 Map and 20 Photographs by the Author; and, Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary
PEARY’S EXPLORATIONS IN THE FAR NORTH, by Gilbert Grosvenor, President of The National Geographic Society; with 3 Illustrations from Photographs by Charles Martin; Harris and Ewing
THE CROW, BIRD CITIZEN OF EVERY LAND: A Feathered Rogue Who Has Many Fascinating Traits and Many Admirable Qualities Despite His Marauding Propensities, by E. R. Kalmbach, Assistant Biologist, U. S. Biological Survey; with 10 Illustrations including 2 Charts and 8 Photographs by William L. Finley and H. T. Bohlman; H. M. Stowe; U. S. Biological Survey; Prof E. H. Eaton; Dr. J. B. Pardoe
THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY’S NOTABLE YEAR; with 2 Illustrations from Photographs by Harris & Ewing; and, C. S. Reeves
AROUND THE WORLD WITH THE SALVATION ARMY, by Evangeline Booth, Commander Salvation Army; with 23 Illustrations from Photographs
WHEN THE FATHER OF WATERS GOES ON A RAMPAGE: An Account of the Salvaging of Food-fishes from the Overflowed Lands of the Mississippi River, by Hugh M. Smith, United States Commissioner of Fisheries; with 18 Illustrations from Photographs from the Bureau of Fisheries
Price:$11 - VG/G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
Price:$8 - G
National Geographic - March 1920, Vol. 37, No. 3
MASSACHUSETTS: BEEHIVE OF BUSINESS, by William Joseph Showalter; with 41 Illustrations from Photographs
FORMOSA THE BEAUTIFUL, by Alice Ballantine Kirjassoff; with 60 Illustrations including 1 Map and 59 Photographs by the official photographer of the Government of Taiwan and from the Chief of the Camphor Department
Price: SOLD
National Geographic - February 1920, Vol. 37, No. 2
SIXTEEN ENGRAVINGS OF WINTER SCENES (printed on special paper which is heavier stock and darker toning): Ski Runner; New Hampshire; Old Pump; Capitol; White House; Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C.; Yellowstone National Park; frozen North; Polar Bear; Washington (State); Tree & Snow; New York City, NY; Detroit, Michigan; Niagara Falls, New York; Glacier National Park; and, Tree along Road
The Removal of the North Sea Mine Barrage, with 28 Illustrations
Skiing Over the New Hampshire Hills, with 37 Illustrations
Winter Rambles in Thoreau’s Country, with 15 Illustrations
Where the World Gets Its Oil, with 21 Illustrations
Price:$13 - VG
Price:$13 - VG
Price:$11 - VG/G
Price:$11 - VG/G
Price:$11 - G
Price:$11 - G
Price:$5 - poor - covers detached
National Geographic - January 1920, Vol. 37, No. 1
THE LAST ISRAELITISH BLOOD SACRIFICE: How the Vanishing Samaritans Celebrate the Passover on Sacred Mount Gerizim, by John D. Whiting; with 40 Illustrations from Photographs and 1 Map Illustration, including the only set of night photographs ever taken of this ancient ceremony, and numerous other unique pictures, by the American Colony Photographers, Jerusalem, Palestine
ASIA MINOR IN THE TIME OF THE SEVEN WISE MEN, by Mary Mills Patrick, President of the American College For Girls, Constantinople; with 19 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author, Cass Arthur Reed, Ernest L. Harris, and George M. Kyrpie
BY MOTOR THROUGH THE EAST COAST AND BATAK HIGHLANDS OF SUMATRA, by Melvin A. Hall; with 28 Illustrations from Photographs by the Author
Price:$12 - G
Price:$7 - G/poor
Price:$5 - G/poor - covers detached
EX - Essentially unblemished.
VG – Spine intact, clean covers, Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
VG/G - Shows slight cover wear or slight cracking of the spine. Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
G – Shows slight cover wear. Portions of the spine may be chipped off.
1-4 Magazines - $5.75 USPS Priority Mail
5 -12 Magazines - $13.45 USPS Priority Mail
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