National Geographic . December 1919, Vol. 36, No. 6
THE ROMANCE OF MILITARY INSIGNIA: How the United States Government Recognizes Deeds of Heroism and Devotion to Duty, by Col Robert E. Wyllie, General Staff, U.S.A., with 27 Illustrations (Summary: The World War made the sight of military uniforms commonplace throughout the U.S., and with it a curiosity about the history and meanings of decorations, medals, badges, and insignias. Related Subjects: Decorations, military; Insignia; Medals; U.S. Navy)
American Decorations and Insignia of Honor and Service, by Robert E. Wyllie, with 124 Illustrations (Summary: Descriptions accompany color illustrations of the medals, decorations, ribbons, and insignias of the U.S. armed forces. Related Subjects: Decorations, military; Insignia; Medals; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy)
Celebrating Christmas on the Meuse (France), by Captain Clifton Lisle, with 5 Illustrations (Summary: Christmas 1918 saw more than two million Americans away from home. A tale of how, with the Christmas spirit, the men of the 158th Infantry Brigade prevailed over the amazing mud and slime of the French battlefield. Related Subjects: Christmas; France; U.S. Army; World War I)
The Camel of the Frozen North (Alaskan Reindeer), by Carl J. Lomen, with 19 Illustrations from Photographs by Lomen Brothers, Nome, Alaska (Summary: What the milk cow is to the Netherlands, what the sheep is to Australia, and the steer is to Texas – all that, and more is the reindeer to America’s farthest north. Related Subjects: Alaska; Reindeer.)
Simply one of the BEST and rarest references for WW1 patches, medals and insignia ever published!
This is the highly sought after original December, 1919 issue that shows:
Color images of all the types of United States military medals that were issued during World War 1
Color images of all the Army Divisional patches and insignia for divisions that took part in World War One!
Unit insignia are listed/shown for the following units:
First Army, Second Army, Third Army, 1st Division, 2nd Division, 3rd Division, 4th Division, 5th Division, 6th Division, 7th Division, 8th Division, 10th Division, 11th Division, 12th Division, 13th Division, 14th Division, 18th Division, 26th Division, 27th Division, 28th Division, 29th Division, 30th Division, 31st Division, 32nd Division, 33rd Division, 34th Division, 35th Division 36th Division, 37th Division, 38th Division, 39th Division, 40th Division, 41st Division, 42nd Division, 76th Division, 77th Division, 78th Division, 79th Division, 80th Division, 81st Division, 82nd Division, 83rd Division, 84th Division, 85th Division, 86th Division, 87th Division, 88th Division, 89th Division, 90th Division, 91st Division, 92nd Division, 93rd Division, 1st Corps, 2nd Corps, 3rd Corps, 4th Corps, 5th Corps, 6th Corps, 7th Corps, 8th Corps, 9th Corps, 2nd Corps School, 3rd Corps School, Ambulance Service, Advance Section Service of Supply, Tank Corps, District of Paris, Liaison Service, Postal Express Service, Army Artillery School, North Russia Expedition, Camp Pontanezen, Reserve mallet, 13th Engineers, Chemical Warfare Service, Central Records Office, Camouflage Corps, Railway Artillery Reserve, Railheads Regulating Stations, General Headquarters and Service of Supply.
The medals and decorations section gives color pictures of medals including: Congressional Medal of Honor, Certificate of Merit, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Puerto Rico Occupation Medal, Civil War Campaign Medal, Indian Campaign Medal, Spanish Campaign Medal, Cuban Occupation Medal, Philippine Occupation medal, Congressional Philippine Medal, Spanish American War Medal, Cuban Pacification Medal, China Relief Expedition Medal, Mexican Border Service Medal, Mexican Campaign Medal, Life Saving 1st Class Medal, Life Saving 2nd Class Medal, Navy Cross, U.S. Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Good Conduct Medal, Sampson Medal, Dewey Medal, Nicaraguan Campaign Medal and Haitian Campaign Medal.
Good condition. Water stained along the top pages Price: $30.00
Good condition with loose covers. Price: $30.00
National Geographic . November 1919, Vol. 36, No. 5
The Rise of the New Arab Nation, by Frederick Simpich, with 18 Illustrations (Summary: Sprung free from Turkish hegemony and its own hermit spirit, the Arabian Peninsula holds far-reaching possibilities for peace and trade. Related Subjects: Arabian Peninsula; Bahrain; Jidda, Saudi Arabia; Mollusks; Oysters; Pearl Industry; Saudi Arabia; World War I; Pearls.)
The Land of the Stalking Death: A Journey Through Starving Armenia on an American Relief Train, by Melville Chater, with 23 Illustrations (Summary: American relief helps Armenians cope with poverty after the break up of the Russian empire as hunger and war devastate these mountain people. Related Subjects: Armenia; Erivan, Armenia S.S.R., U.S.S.R.; Famine; Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, U.S.S.R.; Russia; Tiflis, Georgian S.S.R., U.S.S.R.; Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, U.S.S.R.; Turkey; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
Where Slav and Mongol Meet: 16 Full-Page Color Illustrations of the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia, by Maynard Owen Williams (Summary: Color photos of some of the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Related Subjects: Soviet Central Asia, U.S.S.R.; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, U.S.S.R.)
Syria: The Land Link of History’s Chain, by Maynard Owen Williams, with 21 Illustrations (Summary: With the withdrawal of Turkish power, this land of latent wealth may yet realize its 20th-century destiny for world-class trade. Related Subjects: Beirut, Lebanon; Haifa, Israel; Hittites; Lebanon; Religious ceremonies and festivals – Christina; Syria; Religious ceremonies and festivals.)
Magazine is complete and in very good overall condition with minor cover wear. Price: $30.00 (three available)
Two copies in Good condition are also available. Price: $25.00
National Geographic . October 1919, Vol. 36, No. 4
A VANISHING PEOPLE OF THE SOUTH SEAS: The Tragic Fate of the Marquesan Cannibals, Noted for Their Warlike Courage and Physical Beauty, by John W. Church, with 23 Illustrations (Summary: The vices and diseases of the white man have all but annihilated the robust and unblemished people of this once lush paradise. Related Subjects: Cannibalism, human; Marquesas Islands, South Pacific Ocean; Cannibalism.)
A MEXICAN LAND OF CANAAN: Marvelous Riches of the Wonderful West Coast of Our Neighbor Republic, by Frederick Simpich, Formerly American Consul at Nogales, with 17 Illustrations (Summary: A mineral treasure-house and a fertile Eden, Mexico’s western coast, though impoverished, holds the promise of spectacular development and ready markets. Related Subjects: Baja California, Mexico; Bats; Mexico; Seri Indians; Sonora, Mexico; Tiburon, Mexico; Yaqui Indians.)
WILD DUCKS AS WINTER GUESTS IN A CITY PARK, by Joseph Dixon, A Contribution from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology of the University of California, with 11 Illustrations (Summary: Offering wintertime sanctuary and sustenance, Oakland, California’s Lake Merritt attracts legions of migratory waterfowl. Related Subjects: California; Ducks; Merritt, Lake, California; Oakland, California; Parks)
CURIOUS AND CHARACTERISTIC CUSTOMS OF CENTRAL AFRICAN TRIBES, by E. Torday, with 35 Illustrations (Summary: Cannibalism, cicatrisation, trial by poison, and live burial are just a few of the exotic customs found among these isolated peoples. Related Subjects: Bambala people; Belgian Congo; Cannibalism, human; Cannibalism.)
Magazine is complete and in VG overall condition. Price: $20.00 (three available).
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition. Price: $15.00
Four copies in Good condition are also available. Price: $10.00
National Geographic . September 1919, Vol. 36, No. 3
The Shattered Capitals of Central America (Devastating Earth Quakes), by Herbert J. Spinden, with 31 Illustrations (Summary: While the man-made cataclysms of the Great War have monopolized the world’s attention, the destructive forces of nature have wrought utter devastation on the capitals of Central America. Related Subjects: Central America; Costa Rica; Earthquakes; El Salvador; Guatemala; Nicaragua; San Salvador, El Salvador; Volcanoes)
The Isle of Capri: An Imperial Residence and Probably Wireless Station of Ancient Rome, by John A. Kingman, with 17 Illustrations (Summary: Capri held a place in ancient Roman history as an imperial residence, and today is a probably wireless signaling station. Related Subjects: Capri, Italy; Lighthouses; Roman Empire; Roman ruins.)
Shantung: China’s Holy Land, by Charles K. Edmunds, with 22 Illustrations (Summary: Confucius’ place of birth and burial, this densely populated Province around sacred Tai Shan plays host to hordes of pilgrims. Related Subjects: Canals; China; Confucianism; Grand Canal, China; Hwang Ho, China; Kufu, Shandong Province, China; Shandong Province, China; Yellow River, China)
The Descendants of Confucius: Toilers of Shantung, by Maynard Owen Williams, with 15 Illustrations (Summary: Having been exposed to the West, the vast reservoir of labor of Shantung Province is set to exercise its strength and modernize. Related Subjects: China; Confucianism; Shandong Province, China.)
America’s South Sea Soldiers, by Lorena Macintyre Quinn, with 8 Illustrations (Summary: The courageous and dashing Fita-Fitas, native soldiers of American Samoa, proudly serve the United States in our often forgotten South Seas territory. Related Subjects: American Samoa, South Pacific Ocean; Fita-Fitas; Pago Pago, American Samoa; Samoa, South Pacific Ocean; Soldiers; Tutuila (island), American Samoa.)
Magazine is complete and in VG overall condition. Price: $20.00
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition. Price: $15.00 (four available)
National Geographic . August 1919, Vol. 36, No. 2
The Geography of Games: How the Sports of Nations Form a Gazetteer of the Habits and Histories of Their Peoples by J. R. Hildebrand, with 61 Illustrations (Summary: As climate and geography determine a nation’s favored games and sports, so do forms of play reveal much about a people’s character. Related Subjects: Games; Sports.)
Weavers of the World: 8 Full-page B/W Photographs on special darker stock paper (Summary: A pictorial world survey of embroidery and weaving. Related Subjects: Weaving.)
Exploring the Glories of the Firmament, by William Joseph Showalter, with 21 Illustrations (Summary: At Wisconsin’s Yerkes Observatory and California’s Mount Wilson, mirrors of unprecedented size give astronomers the chance to observe celestial objects. Related Subjects: Astronomy; Spectroscopes; Stars; Telescopes.)
Between Massacres in Van, by Maynard Owen Williams, with 3 Illustrations (Summary: An army of orphaned boys appeal to an Armenian governor for guns – the 12-year-old leader is given a wooden sword instead – not enough to protect his village from the Turks. Related Subjects: Armenia; Turkey; Van, Turkey.)
Magazine is complete and in VG overall condition with minor cover wear. Price: $40.00. two available.
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition with minor cover wear. Price: $35.00 (Two available)
National Geographic . July 1919, Vol. 36, No. 1
The Progressive World Struggle of the Jews for Civil Equality, by William Howard Taft, with 15 Illustrations (Summary: Subjected to nearly two millennia of persecution, denial of opportunity, and massacre, the world’s Jews have preserved themselves from demoralization and despair with a rich inner life. Related Subjects: Jews.)
Exploring Unknown Corners of the Hermit Kingdom (Korea), by Roy C. Andrews, with 31 Illustrations including Map Illustration of Korea (Summary: Finding an anthropological bonanza previously unseen by Western eyes, an American Museum of Natural History team explores the remote headwaters of Korea’s Yalu and Tumen Rivers. Related Subjects: Forests; Korea; Musan, North Korea; Nonsatong, North Korea; Tumen River, China-North Korea; Yalu River, Korea-Manchuria.)
Masters of Flight, by photographer William Lovell Finley: 8 Full Page Bird Photos on special paper including: Golden Eagle, Caspian Terns, Barn Owls, Pelican, Blue Heron, Pelican Colony, Caspian Terns Family, and Gull
A Hunter of Plants, by David Fairchild, Agricultural Explorer, In Charge Office of Foreign Seed and Plant Introduction, U. S. Department of Agriculture, with 18 Illustrations (Summary: An encomium to the late Frank N. Meyer, the unsung Columbus of horticulture who combed Central Asia and the Far East for plants. Related Subjects: Botany; China; Korea; Meyer, Frank N.; Plants; U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
The Land of Lambskins: An Expedition to Bokhara, Russian Central Asia, to Study the Karakul Sheep Industry, by Robert K. Nabours, Of the Kansas State Agricultural College, with 15 Illustrations (Summary: With worldwide demand for furs exceeding supply, the author explores the possibilities of the warm and beautiful pelts of the Karakul lamb, and explores the ancient lifestyles of their shepherds. Related Subjects: Bukhara, U.S.S.R.; Karakul sheep; Sheep raising; Soviet Central Asia, U.S.S.R.; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, U.S.S.R.)
Magazine is complete and in VG overall condition. Price: $25.00 (three available)
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition with minor cover wear. Price: $20.00 (Three available)
A copy G condition is also available. Price: $15.00
National Geographic . June 1919, Vol. 35, No. 6
THE MILLENNIAL CITY: The Romance of Geneva, Capital of The League of Nations, by Ralph A. Graves, with 13 Illustrations (Summary: Astride the Rhone and below the gaze of Mount Blanc, this historic Swiss city is poised to become the center of man’s moral universe. Related Subjects: Bonivard, Francois de; Calvin, John; Geneva, Switzerland; League of Nations; Switzerland.)
DEVIL-FISHING IN THE GULF STREAM, by John Oliver La Gorce, with 7 Illustrations (Summary: The waters between the Bahamas and Florida’s Atlantic coast make for a sport fisherman’s paradise of tarpon, bonefish, sailfish, and the monstrous devil-ray. Related Subjects: Bahamas, West Indies; Devilfish; Fishing; Florida; Gulf Stream; Sports; West Indies.)
SIGHT-SEEING IN SCHOOL: Taking Twenty Million Children on a Picture Tour of the World, by Jessie L. Burrall, Chief of School Service of the National Geographic Society, with 14 Illustrations (Summary: With the National Geographic Society leading the way, the photographic revolution is helping to spark among the world’s schoolchildren an interest in geography, culture, and world unity. Related Subjects: Education; Geography education; National Geographic Society – Educational products; Public Schools.)
WHO SHALL INHERIT LONG LIFE?: On the Existence of a Natural Process at Work Among Human Beings Tending to Improve the Vigor and Vitality of Succeeding Generations, by Alexander Graham Bell, with 13 Illustrations (Summary: Inventor Alexander Graham Bell marshals statistical evidence that longevity is an inherited trait and that people who have the most children live longest. Related Subjects: Anthropology, physical; Eugenics; Longevity; Medicine and health.)
THE AZORES: Picturesque and Historic Half-way House of American Transatlantic Aviators, by Arminius T. Haeberle, Formerly American Consul at St. Michaels (Sao Miguel), with 27 Illustrations (Summary: The verdant Portuguese islands in the Atlantic play an important role for navigators and pilots, and were a vital stopover on man’s first transatlantic flights. Related Subjects: Aviation; Azores (islands), North Atlantic Ocean; Ponta Delgada, S,o Miguel, Azores; St. Michael’s (island), Azores; Seaplanes; U.S. Navy.)
A Map of the New Germany As Provided in the Peace Conference (Black & White Illustration map) (Summary: In the wake of World War I, the map of Europe is redrawn at Versailles. Related Subjects: Germany.
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition. Price: $15.00 (four available)
A copy G condition is also available. Price: $10.00
National Geographic . May 1919, Vol. 35, No. 5
THE INDUSTRIAL TITAN OF AMERICA: Pennsylvania, Once the Keystone of the Original Thirteen, Now the Keystone of Forty-eight Sovereign States, by John Oliver La Gorce, with 34 Illustrations (This is the first in a series of articles on Our States.)
HUNTING BIG GAME OF OTHER DAYS: A Boating Expedition in Search of Fossils in Alberta, Canada, by Barnum Brown, Associate Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology in the American Museum of Natural History, with 25 Illustrations (Summary: Thanks to a once warmer climate, the prairies and forests of Alberta yield fertile prospecting for dinosaur remains. Related Subjects: Alberta, Canada; Dinosaurs; Fossils; Paleontology.)
INDIANA’S UNRIVALED SAND-DUNES: A NATIONAL PARK OPPORTUNITY, by Orpheus Moyer Schantz, with 18 Illustrations (Summary: Abundant precipitation and a reliable source of fresh water make the dunes along a 20-mile stretch of Lake Michigan a habitat for a unique variety of flora. Related Subjects: Indiana; National parks – United States; Sand dune.)
HELIUM, THE NEW BALLOON GAS (Kansas-Oklahoma-Texas area including the Petrolia Field, Texas, located approximately 100 miles north of Fort Worth), by G. Sherburne Rogers, Ph. D., Of the United States Geological Survey, with 11 Illustrations (Summary: The world’s only workable supply of helium promises to make balloons and airships a safe and practical reality. Related Subjects: Balloons; Gases; Helium; Radium.)
Magazine is complete and in VG overall condition. Six other copies are also available in similar condition. Price: $15.00
A sixth copy in G condition is also available. Price: $10.00
National Geographic . April 1919, Vol. 35, No. 4
THE CONE-DWELLERS OF ASIA MINOR: A Primitive People Who Live in Nature-Made Apartment Houses, Fashioned by Volcanic Violence and Trickling Streams (Troglodytes of Cappadocia in Asia Minor: Turkey), by J. R. Sitlington Sterrett, with 53 Illustrations (Summary: A stone’s throw from the cradle of civilization live some cave dwellers who make their home among lava and pumice formation left by an extinct volcano. Related Subjects: Archeology; Argaeus, Mount, Turkey; Armenia; Asia Minor; Bakluzan Dere people; Cappadocia, Turkey; Cone dwellings; Troglodytes; Turkey.)
THE MURMAN COAST: Arctic Gateway for American and Allied Expeditionary Forces in Northern European Russia, by Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, with 31 Illustrations (Summary: Warmed by the Gulf Stream, an ice-free stretch of Russia along the Arctic Ocean provides a lifeline for the feeding, clothing, and arming of Allied expeditionary forces. Related Subjects: Archangel, U.S.S.R.; Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, U.S.S.R.; Murman Coast, U.S.S.R.; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; World War I.)
ON THE TRAIL OF A HORSE THIEF, by Herbert W. Gleason, with 6 Illustrations (Summary: Cutting a trail of breathtaking beauty, romance, and commercial potential, the powerful Columbia River bestows multiple blessings on Oregon and Washington’s Inland Empire. Related Subjects: British Columbia, Canada; Canada; Columbia River and Basin, Canada-U.S.; Horse Thief Creek, British Columbia, Canada; Windermere Lake, British Columbia, Canada.)
THE TEN THOUSAND SMOKES NOW A NATIONAL MONUMENT: The President of the United States Sets Aside for the American People the Extraordinary Valley Discovered and Explored by the National Geographic Society, by Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, with 5 Illustrations (Summary: President Wilson establishes 1,700 square miles of Alaska hot springs, preeminent among the wonders of the world, as the Katmai National Monument. Related Subjects: Alaska; Katmai National Park, Alaska; Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska; Volcanoes.)
Magazine is complete and in VG overall condition. Price: $15.00
Five other copies in similar condition are also available. Price: $15.00
A sixth copy in G condition is also available. Price: $10.00
National Geographic . March 1919, Vol. 35, No. 3
SPECIAL ISSUE - DOGS. Color Illustrations from Paintings of DOGS by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. Thirty-two Pages in Color
MANKIND’S BEST FRIEND: Companion of His Solitude, Advance Guard in the Hunt, and Ally of the Trenches, by Ernest Harold Baynes, with 11 Illustrations
OUR COMMON DOGS, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Ernest Harold Baynes, with 73 Type Portraits in Color by Louis Agassiz Fuertes
THE SAGACITY AND COURAGE OF DOGS: Instances of the Remarkable Intelligence and Unselfish Devotion of Man’s Best Friend Among Dumb Animals, with 13 Illustrations
SHEEP-KILLERS: THE PARIAHS OF the Canine World, with 3 Illustrations
Three copies in VG/G condition are also available. Price: $30.00
National Geographic . February 1919, Vol. 35, No. 2
The North Sea Mine Barrage, by Capt. Reginald R. Belknap, U. S. N., with 25 Illustrations (Summary: A combination of American ingenuity and British pluck made possible an extraordinary underwater minefield from Scotland to Norway, which contained the German submarine fleet in the North Sea and hastened the armistice. Related Subjects: Mines, submarine; North Sea; U.S. Navy; World War I.)
Sarawak (Borneo): The Land of the White Rajahs, by Harrison W. Smith, with 59 Illustrations (Summary: By showing solicitude for the welfare of its diverse peoples, British rule in Borneo has supplanted tyranny and oppression. Related Subjects: Borneo (island), Indonesia; Cockfights; Game fowl; Indonesia; Kayan people; Long Palei, Sarawak (state), Borneo, Malaysia; Mulu, Mount, Borneo (Kalimantan), Indonesia; Sarawak (State), Borneo, Malaysia.)
American Berries of Hill, Dale, and Wayside, with 29 Species Illustrated in Full Color, by Mary E. Eaton, Artist (Summary: This is the fourth in a series on American wild flora, with illustrations of 29 species of American berries and their blossoms. Related Subjects: Berries; Flowers; Shrubs; Trees; Wildflowers.)
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition with minor cover wear. Price: $15.00 (three available)
National Geographic . January 1919, Vol. 35, No. 1
Chicago Today and Tomorrow: A City Whose Industries Have Changed the Food Status of the World and Transformed the Economic Situation of a Billion People, by William Joseph Showalter, with 28 Illustrations
The League of Nations, What It Means and Why It Must Be, by William Howard Taft, Ex-President of the United States, with 16 Illustrations
Medicine Fakes and Fakers of All Ages: Strange Stories of Nostrums and Kingly Quacks in Every Era and Clime, by John A. Foote, M. D., with 14 Illustrations
Magazine is complete and in VG overall condition with minor cover wear. Price: $15.00 (two available).
A second copy in VG/G condition is also available. Price: $12.00
A third copy in VG/G condition is also available. Price: $12.00
Two copies in Good condition are also available. Price: $10.00
A fsixth copy in Good/Poor condition is also available. Price: $8.00
EX - Essentially unblemished.
VG – Spine intact, clean covers, Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
VG/G - Shows slight cover wear or slight cracking of the spine. Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
G – Shows slight cover wear. Portions of the spine may be chipped off.
1-4 Magazines - $6.70 USPS Priority Mail
5 -12 Magazines - $13.45 USPS Priority Mail
Actual shipping charges via USPS Mail rate on more than 12 Magazines.
International shipping rates will be quoted.